Thursday, March 31, 2005
Schiavo Dies 13 Days After Tube Removed
My Way News: "The parents tried to have Michael Schiavo removed as his wife's guardian because he lives with another woman and has two children with her. Michael Schiavo refused to divorce his wife, saying he feared the Schindlers would ignore her desire to die."
All options were pursued. The problem is we have a culture of death in this nation. If there is any question, kill them.
Canadian seal cull sparks protests
Canadian seal cull sparks protests - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News: "Thousands of seal hunters armed with clubs, rifles and spears are taking part in one of Canada's biggest ever culls.
The hunt is expected to bring poor coastal communities millions of dollars but has been condemned by animal rights activists as barbaric.
More than 320,000 harp seals are expected to be slaughtered by the end of the cull on May 15.
The controversial hunt - target of protests since the 1960s - traditionally begins about two weeks after the seal pups are born and their fur changes from white to grey.
Animal rights activists say the pups are clubbed to death and often skinned alive, but sealers and government officials who monitor the hunt insist the pups die instantly under strict guidelines.
Regulations require that hunters ensure their prey is dead before moving on.
Many countries, including the US, ban imports of seal products.
But the Canadian government said the hunt brought badly needed income to its coastal communities, which earned about �7.2 million last year, primarily from pelt sales to Norway, Denmark and China.
Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans said the country's seal population was 'healthy and abundant,' and noted there were an estimated 5 million harp seals, nearly the highest level ever recorded and almost triple what it was in the 1970s.
But a report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare warned that the cull will damage the marine mammal population.
IFAW spokesman AJ Cady said: 'It's not about the price. What's a seal pup worth? It's worth more than a few dollars for a pelt and the price for level of suffering is just not acceptable.
'Just today, we found a seal pup that was struck and lost. It was clubbed and escaped and died under the ice.'"
And this is where all the liberal want to go? I've heard a seal bashing club is issued to each new citizen.
Schiavo Dies After Feeding Tube Removed
My Way News: "Brother Paul O'Donnell, an adviser to Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, said the parents and their two other children 'were denied access at the moment of her death. They've been requesting, as you know, for the last hour to try to be in there and they were denied access by Michael Schiavo. They are in there now, praying at her bedside.'"
Is it humanly possible for someone to be more evil? After everything, Mr. Shiavo denies Terri's own parents to be by her bedside at the moment of death. No, I don't think a man could be more evil.
Weeks long execution has been completed
PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) The attorney for Terri Shiavo's husband says the brain-damaged woman has died.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Court to Weigh Schiavo Emergency Motion
My Way News: "PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - A federal appeals court agreed to consider an emergency bid by Terri Schiavo's parents for a new hearing on whether to reconnect her feeding tube, raising their fading hopes of keeping the severely brain-damaged woman alive."
"Dr. Sean Morrison, a professor of palliative medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said it's hard to predict what would happen if the tube were reinserted because it's highly unusual to do that after life-prolonging treatments have been stopped.
"He said that if her kidneys have already shut down, reinserting the tube at this point might prolong her life by just hours or days. However, it could also hasten her death, Morrison said, because it would supply fluids to a body that can no longer get rid of them.
"The resulting fluid buildup could essentially drown Schiavo, and she could die gasping and choking, he said.
"Morrison said Schiavo would have no awareness of this because of her persistent vegetative state, but reinserting the tube might 'transform a peaceful death into one that can be very distressing for families and friends to witness.'"
If starvation was so peaceful and euphoric then why did they give her a morphine drip? I know why, because Terri was moaning from... yes, the PAIN. So, we should be under the opinion now that because she's gone through so much already (but no suffering mind you) it would be cruel to try and save her life. What's cruel is a judge (and those that agree with him) who thinks he has the power to take innocent life without any oversight.
Defense Attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr. Dies
My Way News: "LOS ANGELES (AP) - Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in December 2003, died Tuesday at his home in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles. He was 67."
Monday, March 28, 2005
Selective Restraint
Liberals cheered when Janet Reno defied the courts to seize Elian Gonzalez.
OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail
Remember this? I could just imagine this happening to Terri Shiavo under a democrat president, except it wouldn't had been to save her. I'm sure if Clinton and Reno knew of this case back in the 90's they wouldn't had thought twice about going in guns blazing to make sure that feed tube was ripped from Terri.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Teen's Rampage Leaves 10 Dead in Minn.
My Way News: "REDBY, Minn. (AP) - The suspect in the worst U.S. school shooting since Columbine smiled and waved as he gunned down five students, a teacher and a guard, asking one of his victims whether he believed in God, witnesses said. The teen's grandfather and his grandfather's wife also were found dead, and the boy killed himself."
Friday, March 18, 2005
No Stopping Global Warming, Studies Predict
Yahoo! News - No Stopping Global Warming, Studies Predict: "But the world's biggest polluter, the United States..."
I'm sorry. I missed the reference for this statement. I would very much like to follow this up and make up my own opinion on that statement. Just another blatantly biased AP reporter (but really should be labeled an opinion editor).
Rice to Endorse Japan for U.N. Council
My Way News: "She was saying plainly that China must embrace some form of open representative government if it is to reap the benefits of a globalizing world, one official said."
It's about time someone in the administration was saying this.
A Society Gone Mad
A Society Gone Mad: "With the recent awakening of a Kansas woman from a 20-year coma, who is to say what medical science may be able to do for Terry Schiavo in months or years to come? No one killed Christopher Reeve when he no longer had use of his limbs. With no evidence that Terry would want to end her life, her parents willing to assume responsibility for her care and let Michael Schiavo walk away, why must she die?
The more important question is why our government and our society would ever let it happen."
Exactly. This whole case is absolutely absurd. If truly 60% or more of Americans would choose to STARVE a person to death then I agree, we've gone mad. I pray for Terry and her parents.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Baseball Stars Set to Testify on Steroids
My Way News: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Members of a House committee Thursday are expected to grill baseball executives as well as current and former players about the use of steroids in the national pastime."
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Probe: Leaders Didn't Order Prison Abuse
My Way News: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Top commanders in Iraq put intense pressure on interrogators to extract useful intelligence information from prisoners, yet that does not explain the sexual humiliation and other abuse of prisoners under U.S. control, an investigation has concluded."
Friday, March 04, 2005
The 52 Funniest Things About The Upcoming Death of The Pope
New York's Premier Alternative Newspaper. Arts, Music, Food, Movies and Opinion
And here's the link to the story if you think you can stomach it.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
High Court Debates Commandments Displays
My Way News: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Ten Commandments displays should be allowed on government property because they pay tribute to America's religious and legal history, the Supreme Court was told Wednesday, in cases that could render a new definition of the role that religion plays in the life of the nation."
Greenspan: FIX IT!
WASHINGTON (AP) Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan tells Congress that it needs to move quickly to fix the financing problems in Social Security and Medicare.
Iraqi Judge in Saddam Tribunal Shot Dead
My Way News: "BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Gunmen in Baghdad shot and killed a judge working for the Iraqi special tribunal set up to try Saddam Hussein and his top lieutenants, Interior Ministry officials said Wednesday."
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