Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Way News - Google Gets Into Web Site Building Biz

My Way News - Google Gets Into Web Site Building Biz: "With only a few clicks, just about anyone will be able to quickly set up and update a Web site featuring a wide array of material, including pictures, calendars and video from Google Inc. (GOOG)'s YouTube subsidiary, said Dave Girouard, general manager of the division overseeing the new application."

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Way News - Civil Rights Leader Switches to Obama

My Way News - Civil Rights Leader Switches to Obama: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Civil rights leader John Lewis dropped his support for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid Wednesday in favor of Barack Obama." VOTE HILLARY! We have to keep these dogs hungry.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gmail - Breaking News -

Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:30 AM PST "WASHINGTON (AP) The government says consumer prices rose by a bigger-than-expected 0.4 percent in January as the cost of food and health care showed sharp increases." I told you, inflation is a problem and dumping more US dollars into the system will make it worse. i.e. cutting interest rates, "stimulus" tax rebates, freezing ARM rates...

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Way News - Study: Lack of MRAPs Cost Marine Lives

My Way News - Study: Lack of MRAPs Cost Marine Lives: "Cost was a driving factor in the decision to turn down the request for the so-called MRAPs, according to the study. Stateside authorities saw the hulking vehicles, which can cost as much as a $1 million each, as a financial threat to programs aimed at developing lighter vehicles that were years from being fielded." Maybe these Marine bureaucrats were concerned about limited money resources because congress (democrats in particular) have always been threatening to cut off funds? We've got to buy bullets also.

My Way News - NIU Gunman Stopped Taking Medication

My Way News - NIU Gunman Stopped Taking Medication: "DEKALB, Ill. (AP) - If there is such a thing as a profile of a mass murderer, Stephen Kazmierczak didn't fit it: outstanding student, engaging, polite and industrious, with what looked like a bright future in the criminal justice field." I'm sure many will react to this by saying we need to ban guns or at least make it nearly impossible for anyone to get them. But my reaction is that we need to start instituting people who are like this. That's probably going to always be difficult. But we are going to have to do something different here. I'm tired of reading about these shootings. (And I will say I can't see how banning guns will stop this. He could have just as easily, or even more easily, ran over a lot people with a car. I don't want to punish everyone by removing our liberties for the actions of such a few.)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Way News - Android and LiMo in Open Source Race

My Way News - Android and LiMo in Open Source Race: "'Digital was supposed to change our lives. It hasn't happened yet,' Cooper said. 'I'm here to say that the revolution has started. It will take a long time. Believe it or not, revolution takes about a generation. This generation has started now.'" This guy is an idiot. He doesn't think "digital" has changed our lives?

My Way News - Android and LiMo in Open Source Race

My Way News - Android and LiMo in Open Source Race: "That openness could speed the drive to integrate the Internet into mobile phones. It's already drawing numerous handset manufacturers, mobile operators, software companies to chip makers." Driving more masses to the Internet is going to make security a bigger problem.

My Way News - Use of Rogue DNS Servers on Rise

My Way News - Use of Rogue DNS Servers on Rise: "The hackers who hijack DNS queries are looking to steal personal information, from e-mail login credentials to credit data, and take over infected machines." Governments are going to have to get real serious with these hackers. It's not going to stop until laws are made and hackers are thrown in jail. I'm not one for "international law" but some treaties are definitely needed here. Or we all just stop using the Internet.

My Way News - Use of Rogue DNS Servers on Rise

My Way News - Use of Rogue DNS Servers on Rise: "Mendacious machines controlled by hackers that reroute Internet traffic from infected computers to fraudulent Web sites are increasingly being used to launch attacks, according to a paper published this week by researchers with the Georgia Institute of Technology and Google Inc." A friend of mine got nailed with "Spyware Shredder" (or something like that) when he did a google search for his job-something about material properties I think. I wonder if he was re-directed by one of these nasties.

My Way News - Tech-Stiles: Clothes That Produce Power

My Way News - Tech-Stiles: Clothes That Produce Power: "Wang has coaxed the wires to grow around strands of yarn in a few square millimeters of fabric, but has not made sizable pieces yet. But he estimates that one square meter of nanowire-infused fabric would produce around 80 milliwatts of electricity, enough to recharge portable music players." This seems laughable. I wouldn't invest in any company trying to develop this. But who knows? Maybe it will be a reality some day. I doubt it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Way News - Obama Proposes $210 Billion for New Jobs

My Way News - Obama Proposes $210 Billion for New Jobs: "JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama said Wednesday that as president he would spend $210 billion to create jobs in construction and environmental industries, as he tried to win over economically struggling voters." Wow! If government spending money is the solution to all of our problems, then my vote is to give all of our salaries to Obama because he's sooo smart! He'll spend it better than me. Why, I think I'll just start sending my paycheck to him now to get a head start.

My Way News - Rebate Checks in the Mail by Spring

My Way News - Rebate Checks in the Mail by Spring: "Whether people actually spend the money remains to be seen. A recent Associated Press-Ipos poll indicates most people have other plans. Forty-five percent said they planned to pay off bills, while 32 percent said they would save or invest it. Only 19 percent said they would spend their rebates." This amounts to a transfer of personal debt to national debt.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Way News - US May Ask Death for 9-11 Suspects

My Way News - US May Ask Death for 9-11 Suspects: "WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon is planning to charge six detainees at Guantanamo Bay for the Sept. 11 terror attacks on America and seek the death penalty." Better be quick with this. Gitmo is no more come November.

Friday, February 01, 2008

My Way News - Microsoft Offers $44.6B for Yahoo

My Way News - Microsoft Offers $44.6B for Yahoo: "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) (MSFT) has pounced on slumping Internet icon Yahoo Inc. (YHOO) (YHOO) with an unsolicited takeover offer of $44.6 billion in its boldest bid yet to challenge Google Inc. (GOOG)'s dominance of the lucrative online search and advertising markets." This has been forcasted for awhile. It was thought to be a rumor, but I always thought it had some truth. Yahoo is in bad shape and has been struggling against the bad boy Google. Microsoft has to do this to survive against Google, but they need new people at the top to give a fresh look and convince investors that they will go after Google in a more end-user centric way.