Wednesday, January 28, 2009
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranian leader demands US apology
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranian leader demands US apology: "Mr Ahmadinejad also attacked US support for Israel and its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
He called on Mr Obama to withdraw US troops from their bases around the world and for America to 'stop interfering in other people's affairs'.
Referring to Mr Obama's predecessor, George W Bush, he said he trusted that he had 'gone to hell'."
No, he just got out. He's gone to Texas, or second heaven.
BBC NEWS | Business | World growth 'worst for 60 years'
BBC NEWS | Business | World growth 'worst for 60 years': "World economic growth is set to fall to just 0.5% this year, its lowest rate since World War II, warns the International Monetary Fund (IMF)."
I think this will be adjusted to negative before mid-year.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Obama asks lawmakers to back stimulus bill - Yahoo! News
Obama asks lawmakers to back stimulus bill - Yahoo! News: "Many Republican lawmakers say the $825 billion package is too costly, and that too much of the spending is for long-range projects that won't aid the economy quickly. Some economists say the package should be even bigger, however, and it was unclear whether Republicans would have much impact."
To fill the black hole left by the derivatives market, the government would have to spend 10's of TRILLIONS of dollars. It's not possible to fix this with government. A bubble has burst and no one wants to acknowledge it, because of what it is and will continue to do to the global economy for at least a decade, maybe more.
Officials: Obama to reverse abortion policy - Yahoo! News
Officials: Obama to reverse abortion policy - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – In a long-expected move, President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option, officials told The Associated Press on Friday."
Oh, yes. This is so centrist! 52.7% asked for it, and babies get to pay for it.
BBC NEWS | Health | Green light for US stem cell work
BBC NEWS | Health | Green light for US stem cell work: "US regulators have cleared the way for the world's first study on human embryonic stem cell therapy."
This ideology makes me sick: sacrifice the most innocent of us with the promise of immortality. That's what it gets down to if we our honest. These are modern day human sacrifices.
Report: Ex-Gitmo detainee joins al-Qaida in Yemen - Yahoo! News
Report: Ex-Gitmo detainee joins al-Qaida in Yemen - Yahoo! News: "CAIRO, Egypt – A Saudi man who was released from Guantanamo after spending six years inside the U.S. prison camp has joined al-Qaida's branch in Yemen and is now the terror group's No. 2 in the country, according to a purported Internet statement from al-Qaida."
But he really likes us now, right Mr. President?
Aide: Successor chosen for Clinton's Senate seat - Yahoo! News
Aide: Successor chosen for Clinton's Senate seat - Yahoo! News: "ALBANY, New York – Gov. David Paterson has picked Democratic U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand to fill New York's vacant U.S. Senate seat, an aide to the governor said early Friday, a day after Caroline Kennedy abruptly withdrew from consideration."
I'm enjoying watching Democrats turn into cannibals. Usually this is how Republicans act.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Senate Panel Approves Geithner for Treasury Secretary - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics
Senate Panel Approves Geithner for Treasury Secretary - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics "WASHINGTON -- The Senate Finance Committee decided Thursday that Timothy Geithner's tax problems should not imperil his nomination for treasury secretary, voting 18-5 to recommend confirmation in the full Senate."
It should enhance his nomination. He should be praised for avoiding paying taxes, getting away with it, and being rewarded. We all should aspire to this. I think I should change to be a Democrat. Rangel, Franken, and numerous others already have figured this out.
Ballmer's e-mail to employees regarding layoffs (CNET) by CNET: Yahoo! Tech
Ballmer's e-mail to employees regarding layoffs (CNET) by CNET: Yahoo! Tech: "From: Steve Ballmer Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:07 AM Subject: Realigning Resources and Reducing Costs
In response to the realities of a deteriorating economy, we're taking important steps to realign Microsoft's business. I want to tell you about what we're doing and why."
Were the layoffs done by email? Maybe if you use MS Outlook Express, you'll get a virus to boot.
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo in a year - Yahoo! News
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo in a year - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama began overhauling U.S. treatment of terror suspects Thursday, signing orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, shut down secret overseas CIA prisons, review military war crimes trials and ban the harshest interrogation methods."
52.7% asked for it and now we all will pay. It's time to start the Adopt a Terrorist program.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Frenetic street scene awakens capital before dawn - Yahoo! News
Frenetic street scene awakens capital before dawn - Yahoo! News: "'This is the culmination of two years of work,' said Obama activist Akin Salawu, 34, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who helped the candidate as a community organizer and Web producer. 'We got on board when Obama was the little engine who could. He's like a child you've held onto. Now he's going out into the world.'"
Right. He's a man-child.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Obama cool and calm on eve of his presidency - Yahoo! News
Obama cool and calm on eve of his presidency - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – If Barack Obama felt nervous about becoming president in a few hours, he didn't show it Monday, as he cracked jokes and breezed through a series of volunteerism events and bipartisan dinners. 'I don't sweat,' said the 47-year-old man about to inherit responsibility for two wars, an economy in crisis and the helm of the world's lone superpower. 'You ever see me sweat?'
It was vintage no-drama Obama, who seemed determined to carry his not-too-high, not-too-low demeanor to the Capitol steps for his swearing-in Tuesday."
I have never seen anyone so over-hyped. I had thought that Obama was set for failure. Expectations are too high and he has no where to go but down. But, lately I've been realizing he won't be allowed to fail. No matter what he does, it will be praised and heralded. I really believe now he will actually try to top FDR. He is going to keep this country down for decades just like FDR also. But just like FDR, he will be considered a hero and loved (by at least 50%). I'm trying to be uplifting and not get depressed. But how can I when I see where we're going for maybe the rest of my natural life?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Citigroup posts loss, splits up the bank - Yahoo! News
Citigroup posts loss, splits up the bank - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK – Citigroup said Friday it is splitting into two businesses as it reported a fourth-quarter net loss of $8.29 billion — its fifth straight quarterly loss."
Bailouts do not work! They only enable bad business.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dems unveil $825B in spending increases, tax cuts - Yahoo! News
Dems unveil $825B in spending increases, tax cuts - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – Democrats in Congress rolled out recommended spending increases and tax cuts totaling a whopping $825 billion on Thursday and debated whether to release a huge new infusion of bailout cash for the financial industry, a rapid response to President-elect Barack Obama's plea to tackle national economic woes."
That's about $3000 for every single person in America. I don't know for sure, but I'd guess we've spent $9000-$10,000 or more per capita before this. This is simply ridiculous. It's made out to be "adding" money to the economy, but really it is pulling the equivalent value out of the economy. Where did you think it comes from? For our economy to grow, we must produce more than we consume. Simply pushing dollars with no real production is only going to devalue everything. For some dumb reason, they (Obama et al) think that we have to do what FDR did but even more aggressively. This is going to push us just that much faster over the cliff!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN suspends Gaza aid operations
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN suspends Gaza aid operations: "Casualty claims in Gaza have been difficult to verify independently."
Review: The Polaroid camera is back, in digital (AP) by AP: Yahoo! Tech
Review: The Polaroid camera is back, in digital (AP) by AP: Yahoo! Tech: "That's right: Polaroid was set to announce Thursday at the International Consumer Electronics Show that it is introducing a digital camera that produces prints right on the spot. You can even call them 'instant' prints, but they take nearly a minute to appear, so they're only as 'instant' as the old film prints."
This sounds like great fun. Who doesn't miss the old Polaroid Instamatics? (Except you young punks that never even heard of them)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News: "More than 670 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, have been killed in the 12 days of Israel's campaign in Gaza. At least 30 were killed Tuesday by Israeli shelling of a U.N. school that had been housing refugees. (Israel said its forces fired at militants who launched mortars from that location.)"
I'd like to see the source for this. I don't disagree that civilians have been killed, but I find the media likes to pull numbers for the most questionable sources. And what about Hamas targeting civilians? Why isn't this reported? (as if we didn't know why) Exclusive Exclusive: "Richardson withdrew from consideration as President-elect Barack Obama’s commerce secretary on Jan. 4, citing a pending investigation of a bond advisory company. CDR contributed to Richardson’s efforts to register Hispanic and American Indian voters and pay for expenses at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, according to campaign finance records."
Just some more "cess" for the cesspool Obama walks on. Why isn't this at the top of the mainstream news? (as if we didn't know)
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - Russia, Ukraine Dispute Leaves European Nations Without Gas - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - Russia, Ukraine Dispute Leaves European Nations Without Gas - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News: "KIEV, Ukraine — At least two Bulgarian cities were totally without gas Tuesday, and nations like Turkey were turning to Iran to bolster their supplies, as a natural gas crisis looms over Europe after a contract dispute between Russia and Ukraine led Russia to shut off gas supplies to seven countries and reduce gas deliveries to several others."
Israeli strike near UN school kills at least 30 - Yahoo! News
Israeli strike near UN school kills at least 30 - Yahoo! News
Never mind Hamas targets civilians, schools, hospitals on a daily basis. Also, they love hiding amongst civilians.
Social Security begins taking online applications - Yahoo! News
Social Security begins taking online applications - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – The Social Security Administration, bracing for the coming eligibility of 80 million baby boomers, is introducing an online application that will allow people to apply for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes."
80 Million! No way this is going to work. We are out of money and there is no Social Security Fund. Treasury Bill interest is below long term inflation. We are going down hill faster than people think.
Obama to include accountability in economic plan - Yahoo! News
Obama to include accountability in economic plan - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan won't include money for politicians' pet projects and will include provisions aimed at ensuring his administration is open and accountable to taxpayers and Congress, a transition official said Tuesday."
No Democrat Politician Left Behind.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Senate snub as US Congress opens
BBC NEWS | Americas | Senate snub as US Congress opens: "Senate Democrats had vowed to prevent Roland Burris taking the Illinois seat because he was picked by scandal-hit Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich."
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