Thursday, October 29, 2009
New home sales fall a surprising 3.6 percent - Yahoo! News
New home sales fall a surprising 3.6 percent - Yahoo! News: "The report 'demonstrates the power of the first-time homebuyers tax credit,' said Bernard Markstein, senior economist with the National Association of Home Builders, which has been lobbying Congress to extend and expand the tax incentive. 'We just haven't gotten the economy back to the point where we can step back and say the housing market doesn't need any more support.'"
"We just haven't gotten the economy back to the point where we can step back and say the housing market doesn't need any more support." I thought we were in a recovery? That's what I hear all the time (and have since at least June).
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009 » Andrew Breitbart Talks Current Events on C-SPAN’s ‘Washington Journal’
Just watched this and now have a real appreciation for Andrew Breitbart. He seems very sensible and grounded. I hope he has continued success with his business. The Conservative Movement needs more people like him. » Andrew Breitbart Talks Current Events on C-SPAN’s ‘Washington Journal’
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
“Overdiagnosis is pure, unadulterated harm”
Got this from Rush today. I think it is absolutely insane what they are trying to tell us. They are claiming that too much cancer screening is bad for us. Someone got to these guys.
Cancer Society, in Shift, Has Concerns on Screenings - "researchers report a 40 percent increase in breast cancer diagnoses and a near doubling of early stage cancers, but just a 10 percent decline in cancers that have spread beyond the breast to the lymph nodes or elsewhere in the body. With prostate cancer, the situation is similar, the researchers report."
"Different And Special"
Ah yes, welcome to Iowa, the land of the weird and strange, and now obits on electronic billboards; where man marries man and woman marries woman and politicians say it's great... for tourism.
Iowa funeral home offering high-tech obits; announcements on electronic billboards | "They rotate with other ads."
Gunman prays with clerk before finishing armed robbery in Indiana |
Gunman prays with clerk before finishing armed robbery in Indiana | "Police say the robbery took an unusual turn after the gunman came around the counter when the clerk starting crying and talking about God."
Friday, October 16, 2009
Obama the 'Magic Negro' --
Obama the 'Magic Negro' --
That's right. It's from the LA Times. Not Rush Limbaugh. Rush only created a parody based on that article and the nutty Al Sharpton.
This Is What Obama/Media Call Recovery
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Good News! More People Are Out Of Work!
Only under this administration are 514,000 newly unemployed people considered good news. But we also get great news that 30,000 people have a new job have because of the stimulus. Only under this administration does 30K trumps 514K.
514K new jobless claims; inflation remains muted - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – New jobless claims dropped to the lowest level since January and the prices of many household goods stayed low last month, positive signs of stability for the fledgling economic recovery."
Federal Contractors Report 30,000 Stimulus Jobs Added or Saved - "About 30,000 jobs have been directly created or saved by contractors who received money from the federal stimulus program, according to new reports Thursday."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Black NFL players crush prospect of playing for a Rush Limbaugh-owned St. Louis Rams
Black NFL players crush prospect of playing for a Rush Limbaugh-owned St. Louis Rams
I have had it with this smearing. I can promise this, if this deal is shut down because of slandering attacks on Rush, I will swear off the NFL for good. And I hope that millions of other fans do the same.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning - Yahoo! News
Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning - Yahoo! News
I collect these stories. I wonder how many clipped these same type of articles back in the Great Depression. These guys are claiming that inflation will remain low even though trillions of dollars are being pumped into it. So many people will be out of work therefore companies will have to keep their prices low. Nobody will be able to afford their products. Let's think about this. Because prices have to stay low, margins will continue to be cut, wages will stay low or be cut or more layoffs, and somehow companies will be expanding, I guess because Obama will be sharing his stash with them. Does this make sense to anyone? I guess it's great news for Marxists.
The economy is becoming more and more unstable and therefore highly unpredictable. Oh yeah, I forgot that Obama lost the Olympics for us. I'm holding on to that for what little joy I have.
Culver considers early-retirement package to trim state budget |
Culver considers early-retirement package to trim state budget |
What a cruel joke. I thought the headline was "Culver Considers Early-Retirement".
That's the best thing that could happen to Iowa.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Strap on your Depends, Here It Comes
So I'm minding my own business, when I come across this in AP:
AP Poll: Health care overhaul has a pulse - Yahoo! News: "Americans overwhelmingly say it's important that health care legislation have the support of both parties, but Democrats are showing signs of impatience. Fifty-seven percent say Obama and the Democrats should pass a bill this year even if they are unable to win support from Republicans."
I first read it that 57% of Americans wanted a bill passed even without Republicans. But re-reading it I see they are talking about Democrats, but the wording is tricky and I'm sure AP is not all too concerned that people are likely to misinterpret what the facts are.
The latest Rasmussen poll shows 46% for and 50% against. So I think there is a shift, very modest though, for health care destruction. But, it's understandable why. We're nearly burnt out opposing it. Obama is nothing but relentless for his Marxism ideals. If a vote becomes imminent then things will change. But I fear they are actually going to sneak this massive government takeover of health care through an amendment to an unrelated bill. Right now, that's some TARP bill, but who knows what it will be.
They (Obama and the Democrats) think they can get away with this. If they do it, then watch the walkers and wheelchairs fly.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Sen. Durbin ‘Blacklists’ Home-State Radio Station
Sen. Durbin ‘Blacklists’ Home-State Radio Station:
"Moyers said Angarola was not pleased that WTAD chose to make public the time and place of Durbin’s September 4th visit to Quincy’s Blessing Hospital to hold a meeting on health care with officials from the hospital, Quincy Medical Group and politicians Quincy Mayor John Spring and State Senator John Sullivan (D-Rushville).
Read the full story here."
Monday, October 05, 2009
Iowa at Disney encouraging gays to move to Hawkeye State - Around Disney -
Iowa at Disney encouraging gays to move to Hawkeye State - Around Disney - "Figuring that plenty of gay couples in California are frustrated by the inability to get legally married here, representatives from Iowa have set up a booth at Gay Days at the Disneyland Resort encouraging them to consider moving to the Hawkeye State."
FTC: Bloggers must disclose payments for reviews by AP: Yahoo! Tech
FTC: Bloggers must disclose payments for reviews by AP: Yahoo! Tech: "It is the first time since 1980 that the commission has revised its guidelines on endorsements and testimonials, and the first time the rules have covered bloggers."
Friday, October 02, 2009
Chicago doesn't get 2016 Olympics
I think this will be a rallying point for Obama's opposition. I know I'm stoked.
Chicago doesn't get 2016 Olympics: "Not even the presence of President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama—nor a long list of celebrities—was enough to help the United States' third-largest city."
Big Government � Blog Archive � Small Town, Big Government
Great illustrative story.
Big Government � Blog Archive � Small Town, Big Government: "So Quincy, Illinois has an ordinance changed that could put more drunk drivers on the street and expands the tentacles of government. This ordinance is now so broad that a person who takes money for carpooling kids to school on a regular basis could be breaking the law."
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia awaits world quake aid
Where is the US? Oh, yeah, in Copenhagen begging for Chicago to get the Olympics in 2016. Well, I guess we all have our priorities.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia awaits world quake aid: "Experts from the UK, Australia and South Korea were en route to Sumatra, hit by a 7.6-magnitude quake two days ago. Others pledged emergency cash."
Thursday, October 01, 2009
New jobless claims rise; Americans' spending jumps - Yahoo! News
New jobless claims rise; Americans' spending jumps - Yahoo! News: "First-time claims for jobless benefits increased more than expected last week, a sign employers are reluctant to hire and the job market remains weak."
Or, maybe employers are reluctant to hire because the job market remains weak.
Iowa City puts curfew on hold |
Iowa City puts curfew on hold | "In a surprising move, the City Council tonight voted to set aside a proposed juvenile curfew ordinance for a couple of months."
What is surprising about it? I can't believe how ridiculous this has gotten.
How do you know you live in the Liberal Mecca?
When local politicians put more emphasis on urban chicken farming than on assaults, burglaries, and shootings.
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