Monday, November 30, 2009
Suspect in Cop Killings Was Out on Street Despite Lengthy Rap Sheet, Sentences - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
This will be the last we hear about Huckabee. He's done for after hearing he commuted this guy's sentence back in 2000. I never really cared much for Huckabee since I heard in the last election he was mocking Fred Thompson, a fellow Christian, on a TV talk show. I had other problems with his record as governor, such as raising taxes, but that was the big one that did it for me. Christians should not mock and impugn other Christians like that and a former pastor should know it.
Suspect in Cop Killings Was Out on Street Despite Lengthy Rap Sheet, Sentences - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - "His criminal history includes at least five felony convictions in Arkansas and at least eight felony charges in Washington, according to The Seattle Times. He had a lengthy prison sentence commuted in 2000 by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who cited Clemmons' youth."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
RealClearPolitics - ClimateGate: The Fix is In
Stunning story. You won't see this kind of reporting on network news. The wheels could very well be coming off for Obama and hopefully (cross your fingers) Al Gore.
RealClearPolitics - ClimateGate: The Fix is In: "This is an enormous case of organized scientific fraud, but it is not just scientific fraud. It is also a criminal act."
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Braley scolds critics of proposed terrorist transfer |
Braley scolds critics of proposed terrorist transfer | "“I’m keeping an open mind, and doing what I can to protect the interest of my constituents and at the same time learn the facts and educate myself about how this will impact my constituents,” [Braley] said."
Dear Rep. Braley, YOU ARE NOT MY DADDY! I don't need you to protect me, we have a fine military to do that. I need you to represent me. And you are doing a terrible job. If you think it's so great that this is happening because of a $1 Billion possibly economic impact, then I dare you to lobby for bringing the terrorists to Iowa. I double-dare you.
Air freshener sets off fire alarm in Burlington teachers restroom; Students evacuated to rain |
How do they know it wasn't the odor that someone was trying to cover up that set off the alarm? I mean, I wish we had an "odor alarm" in the restroom here at work. This reminds me of a funny story with my dad. I'll have tell it sometime.
Air freshener sets off fire alarm in Burlington teachers restroom; Students evacuated to rain | "An overly zealous attempt to cover an odor with a spray air freshener Tuesday in a teachers restroom set off a fire alarm at Burlington High School, firefighters suspect. At the sounding of the alarm, students evacuated the school and were forced to wait outside in rainy 45-degree weather. …"
Big Hollywood � Blog Archive � Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Flops: Even Liberals Stay Away in Droves
Looks like Michael Moore is going out with a whimper.
Big Hollywood � Blog Archive � Michael Moore’s ‘Capitalism’ Flops: Even Liberals Stay Away in Droves: "After peaking with a near $120 million domestic take for “Fahrenheit 9/11″ in 2004, Moore’s subsequent fall from box-office grace has been sharp. 2007’s “Sicko” cleared a disappointing but respectable $24.5 million, “Captain Mike Across America” was so sure to lose money Moore ended up distributing his ego trip for free under the guise of a populist giveaway, and now “Capitalism” — which was about as timely as one could hope — makes about two-thirds of what ”Sicko” did and is unlikely to do very well in foreign markets."
Iowa GOP calls for Dems to oppose terrorist transfer to Midwest |
Iowa GOP calls for Dems to oppose terrorist transfer to Midwest |
I sent emails to all of my representatives some time ago asking what they will do to keep the terrorists out of Iowa. Not one of them replied with a specific answer. Well, now here we are. Little Dick Durbin wants known terrorists to be housed right by the Iowa/Illinois border for the sake of "creating jobs." Obama wants to bring the 9/11 mastermind right to the place where he orchestrated the murder of thousands. I know exactly why he's doing this lunacy. He is going to have Bush officials testify on torture. Brace yourself, it's coming.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Today’s Joke: Veterans
Today’s Joke: Veterans
Actual headline. I'm sure the headline was completely inadvertent (it's actually a blog entry about jokes), but I'm equally sure many people in the Liberal Mecca of Midwest would agree with it.
A Second SEIU Attack in St. Louis: The Kelly Owens Story
A Second SEIU Attack in St. Louis: The Kelly Owens Story: "We’ve just started to lay the groundwork on the Kenneth Gladney story and the shameful failure of the county prosecutor Bob McCullough to pursue criminal prosecution of SEIU assailants. Left wing blogs, mainstream newspapers, and of course SEIU, having concluded a smear the messenger campaign, have now resorted to a blackout strategy. The first rule of union beatings is you do not talk about union beatings."
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Report: AIG CEO ready to quit over pay constraints - Yahoo! News
Report: AIG CEO ready to quit over pay constraints - Yahoo! News: "According to the people cited by the Journal, the former MetLife CEO is frustrated with the constraints of leading a company majority-owned by the government. The newspaper said Benmosche has complained to AIG's board about the outcome of the Treasury Department's pay review which slashed pay for a number of AIG executives by 91 percent from 2008."
Oh goody! If they get a 91% pay cut, that must mean I get a 91% pay increase! What? No? I thought that was the point of this? You mean my pay has absolutely nothing to do with AIG executives' pay! Well, then, Obama stinks!
UN agency calls for global fast against hunger - Yahoo! News
UN agency calls for global fast against hunger - Yahoo! News
I don't know about you, but when I'm hungry I don't fast, I eat. But these guys can do what they want. Let's see, if they fast for hunger, then when they get hungrier they will fast more and eventually the problem will solve itself, for us and them.
5 pct. of Americans plan to buy a home next year - Yahoo! News
This is how these guys love to think. A guy gets a pay cut, but man he was so lucky to get a reduction in his mortgage payments to "cushion the blow!" Some days I just want to rip out what little hair I have left. Obama's policies, which double-down on FDR's, will also drag this downturn out for way longer than it had to be. Obama can't seem to figure out that it doesn't help us to have government throw in a trillion dollars because it takes 4 trillion dollars out of our pockets to get there. Government gets it power from our wealth. The conservative way would be to let us keep our wealth rather than steal more of it.
5 pct. of Americans plan to buy a home next year - Yahoo! News: "One of the survey participants, Joe Handley of Harrington, Del., called his lender last December to consolidate a second mortgage and cut his interest rate from 6.75 percent to 5.25 percent.
'We wanted to build up our savings for emergencies,' the 37-year-old said.
His timing was prescient. In July, Handley, who works in the information technology department for the State of Delaware, took a pay cut and the $400 monthly savings from the new loan has helped cushion the blow."
Bloodless President Barack Obama makes Americans wistful for George W Bush - Telegraph
Bloodless President Barack Obama makes Americans wistful for George W Bush - Telegraph: "He has spent more than two months considering a troop increase..."
But he makes sure he gets that photo op with dead soldiers returning. Has he learned to bite his bottom lip yet?
Linn health plans could be model for rest of Iowa |
Believe it or not, this is actually considered a positive piece here in Iowa, at least in this area of Iowa, the Liberal Mecca of the Midwest. They can't see anything wrong with stealing liberty from the common man. We're just too stupid for our own good. We need the wizards of smart to protect us from ourselves.
Linn health plans could be model for rest of Iowa | "Imagine easily finding calorie counts posted at restaurants and supermarkets; cigarette sales prohibited from stores where customers buy nicotine patches; unhealthy trans fats banned from restaurants and kids no longer eating candy bars instead of school lunches.
Where some might cry foul, or government intrusion, Curtis Dickson, director of Linn County Public Health, sees the road to a healthier state."
NEW DATABASE: Iowans went domestic in Cash for Clunkers |
NEW DATABASE: Iowans went domestic in Cash for Clunkers | "Iowa dealerships processed a whopping 8,888 transactions under the program. They received a total of $37.4 million worth of government Cash for Clunkers vouchers"
What the story doesn't tell you is that the taxpayer shelled out $213.3 million for that $37.4 million benefit.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Obama signs bill assisting homebuyers, jobless - Yahoo! News
Obama signs bill assisting homebuyers, jobless - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed a $24 billion economic stimulus bill into law Friday, giving tax incentives to prospective homebuyers and additional jobless benefits to those idled by the business slump."
Like I've been saying, Sugar Daddy will take of us all. What's another $24,000,000,000? I mean that's just a measly 1.2% of the budget.
Freddie Mac posts $5 billion loss - Yahoo! News
Freddie Mac posts $5 billion loss - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK (Reuters) – Freddie Mac (FRE.N) (FRE.P), the second largest provider of U.S. residential mortgage funding, on Friday posted a loss of $5 billion in the third quarter and predicted it would need more government support amid a 'prolonged deterioration' in housing."
I'm sure Barney Frank and gang will bail these guys out again. If you are poor and want your own house, don't bother going the traditional methods, such as HUD or Habitat for Humanity, you'll just get a poor man's house going that route. You need to go to the bank and say Barney sent you and voila, you have a mortgage (optional to pay back) for a $250,000+ house. And just for kicks, we (American Taxpayer) will throw in $8000 (costs us only $24000)!
Big Government � Blog Archive � Remembering the Berlin Wall: Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Friday, November 06, 2009
Obama to Sign Bill Extending Homebuyer Credit, Jobless Benefits
Obama to Sign Bill Extending Homebuyer Credit, Jobless Benefits
This is simply insane. You can expect that each of these government handouts cost the taxpayer about 4 times what the direct benefit is. In other words, $8,000 for a new home buyer costs the taxpayer $32,000. So for the additional $8,000 being put into the economy, $32,000 is being sucked out of it, a net loss of $24,000. Now Obama can do some accounting tricks to make it look good for awhile, but it's all going to catch up soon. This is what I mean that Obama and the Democrats are pushing us into another Great Depression. We would have been completely recovered by now if nothing at all was done. Instead, they are dragging out the already longest recession. Eventually the "double dip" that's coming will really wake people up. Wait until seniors go to deposit their Social Security checks and they bounce!
The Ticker - Truer U.S. unemployment rate hits recent high of 17.5% - Economy Watch �
The Ticker - Truer U.S. unemployment rate hits recent high of 17.5% - Economy Watch �: "Counts were obviously cruder during the Great Depression, but the 25 percent rate, reached during 1933, is analogous to our 17.5 percent today. Both numbers include the widest possible measure of unemployment."
Jobless rate tops 10 pct. for first time since '83 - Yahoo! Finance
Hush there. Sugar Daddy Obama will take care of us. The reporter actually claims the economy is growing. The only thing growing by leaps and bounds is the US government.
Jobless rate tops 10 pct. for first time since '83 - Yahoo! Finance: "President Barack Obama called the new jobs report another illustration of why much more work is needed to spur business creation and consumer spending. Noting legislation he's signing to provide additional unemployment benefits for laid-off workers, Obama said, 'I will not rest until all Americans who want work can find work.'"
Big Government - Blog Archive - Obama’s Shock Troops: SEIU and Political Intimidation in St. Louis
Big Government - Blog Archive - Obama’s Shock Troops: SEIU and Political Intimidation in St. Louis: "Yesterday, Pastor Himes provided powerful, and courageous, witness to the union violence he and his wife saw in St. Louis on August 6th. They provided strong testament to the union attack on Kenneth Gladney. But, his comments only dealt with the events of that day. Evidence is emerging that the events of that day went far beyond St. Louis and may have been part of a nationally orchestrated campaign to intimidate and silence dissent."
I knew stronger violence was going to happen at these town hall meetings. I was somewhat surprised to hear little more occurring. It looks like there is an active cover-up going on. If it's coming out of the white house, I certainly hope it's exposed. I think Breitbart ( can and will do it.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Shooting at Fort Hood in Texas - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Shooting at Fort Hood in Texas - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - "A shooting rampage Thursday afternoon at the Army's Fort Hood in Texas killed 11 and wounded 31 before the gunman was killed and two suspects taken into custody."
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
More Bipolar News
The first story says we are in a recovery:
Sept factory orders rise 0.9 percent
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 07:31 am PST
Reuters - New orders received by U.S. factories rose a stronger-than-expected 0.9 percent in September, while inventories continued to shrink, the Commerce Department said on Tuesday in a report suggesting manufacturing activity is feeding the economic recovery. Full Story
The very next story says differently:
Expeditors 3Q profit falls 33 percent
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 09:53 am PST
AP - Freight forwarder and logistics company Expeditors International of Washington Inc. said on Tuesday that its third-quarter profit dropped 33 percent as freight haulers raised prices even as demand remained weak. Full Story
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
BBC NEWS | Health | Aspirin 'only for heart patients'
BBC NEWS | Health | Aspirin 'only for heart patients'
I guess this is a good headline, as it got me to read the story. The real story is not as outlandish as the headline suggests. They are simply saying for people who have not had a heart attack or stroke that it is not a good idea to take a daily regimen of aspirin as it can cause intestinal bleeding which could be worse for you.
I don't think it's much news, but the headline made it seem like aspirin is too dangerous to take except for heart patients.
This is another good headline I saw: CRISIS CENTER NEEDS TOILET PAPER
Monday, November 02, 2009
Boehner: Obama Is Out of 'Excuses' in Delaying Afghanistan Troop Decision -
Boehner: Obama Is Out of 'Excuses' in Delaying Afghanistan Troop Decision -
Here's what I think: His decision has already been made. He will increase troop levels as requested. He's delaying a public announcement until after the elections tomorrow and after he gets Obamacare through congress. He knows the ultra-leftists will go bonkers when they find out and he can't afford to lose their support right now. He figuring that it's better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Reserve and Guard activations are already occurring.
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