Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fed Gears Up for Stimulus -
Fed Gears Up for Stimulus - "The Federal Reserve is close to embarking on another round of monetary stimulus next week, against the backdrop of a weak economy and low inflation—and despite doubts about the wisdom and efficacy of the policy among economists and some of the Fed's own decision makers."
This reminds me of the super inflation a lot of people (including myself) were expecting to see this year. Well, it didn't happen even despite the massive amount money being poured into the economy. Why? My guess is because the economy is that bad. Also, because debt is being transferred and not eliminated, it really shows that the formula the Fed has been using to "stimulate" the economy is faulty, at least at the scale we are at.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Obama Tells Republicans to 'Sit in Back' -
Obama Tells Republicans to 'Sit in Back' - "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Monday, October 25, 2010
Karzai says his office gets cash from Iran, US - Yahoo! News
Karzai says his office gets cash from Iran, US - Yahoo! News: "KABUL, Afghanistan – Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Monday that once or twice a year, Iran gives his office $700,000 to $975,000 for official presidential expenses and that Washington also provides 'bags of money' because his office lacks funds."
"It is official and by my order," Karzai said.
Kirkwood wind turbine would offset energy cost, aid training | TheGazette
Kirkwood wind turbine would offset energy cost, aid training | TheGazette: "“We’re looking at a huge cut in our utility bills and that will offset the payments we have to make in the first few years on the interest-free loans,” Kaldenberg said. “After about 10 years when everything is paid off , we should see a nice tidy payback on our investment.”"
If you read this article you'll see a whole lot if's in there. Look at how much effort is required for one of these massive windmills. $5-6 million for one. They have to get all kinds of free money. There best case is they'll have a pay back in 10 years! I have a feeling that's if it's still working. These things are money hogs, and incredible dangerous to maintain. The real energy solution is to drill for more oil. We know how to do it and we know where it is. It won't be as intrusive as these things are. And it will be whole lot more effective and less risky.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Culver to Iowa labor: I want more for you | TheGazette
Culver to Iowa labor: I want more from you! That's what the headline should read if he was being honest
Culver to Iowa labor: I want more for you | TheGazette: "“Chet will be ahead on Election Day and that’s the way God intended it to be,” Harkin said."-
Harkin is off the deep end.
"A sign of his strength, Culver said, is a 9 percentage point lead over Branstad in the 2nd District where, he predicted, U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack would be re-elected.
A short time later, 2nd District Republican challenger Mariannette Miller-Meeks released a poll showing a 45 percent to 44 percent lead over Loebsack."
This just cracks me up. Meeks is not the conservative I'd like, but at this point, we'll take the best we can get.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
BBC News - US inquiry into China rare earth shipments
BBC News - US inquiry into China rare earth shipments: "They are used in everything from catalytic converters in cars to computer monitors, TVs and in pharmaceuticals."
I guess "rare earths" is a Brit phrase. I think we would call these rare deposits or something like that. Anyway, it sounds like one more thing to pressure prices through-out the world. I wonder what the Fed and its counterparts around the world will do behind the scenes to keep countering inflation. Buying up massive amounts of debt (which is really just transferring it out of public view, not getting rid of it) can only work for so long.
BBC News - Obama administration seeks gay military ruling stay
BBC News - Obama administration seeks gay military ruling stay: "The military began accepting gay recruits this week after a judge struck down the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy barring openly gay people from serving."
Obama did not do enough to prevent this. As a result, the security of our nation is being compromised.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Military recruiters told to accept gay applicants - Yahoo! News
Military recruiters told to accept gay applicants - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – A Pentagon spokeswoman says recruiters have been told that they must accept gay applicants, following a federal court decision striking down the ban on gays serving openly in the military."
This is bad. Lots of chaos will ensue, because it's going to be reversed. Then what will be done with openly gay recruits accepted?
Bank of America, GMAC Relaunch Foreclosures -
Bank of America, GMAC Relaunch Foreclosures - "Bank of America Corp. reopened more than 100,000 foreclosure actions, declaring that it had found no significant problems in its procedures for seizing homes. GMAC Mortgage, a lender and loan servicer, said that it also is pushing ahead with an unspecified number of foreclosures that came under intense pressure."
Saw this coming a mile away. The fundamental problem is the economy stinks under Obama. If the Tea Party candidates win in enough numbers to force a new direction in policy, then the economy will be roaring back within 2 years. Actually, you'll see a huge difference within one year. Of coarse, Obama will try to take credit, but we won't let him.
Say what?! story of the day
Iowa City man arrested for impregnating 13-year-old: "An Iowa City man has been charged with impregnating a 13-year-old girl in 2007. Joshua A. Hesseltine, now 19, has been charged with third-degree sexual abuse, a Class C felony. According to a..."
Democrats try to buy seniors for $250
Democrats make pre-election pitch to help seniors - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – Democrats are making a pre-election pitch to give Social Security recipients a one-time payment of $250, part of a larger effort to convince senior voters that their party, and not Republicans, will best look out for the 58 million people who get the government retirement and disability benefits."
Things are really bad when the Democrats think they have to outright buy seniors' votes. But I really don't think a one time buy-out of $250 is going to do it.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Banks seize 288K homes in Q3, but challenges await - Yahoo! News
I've read about the foreclosure freeze and the stories from the victims. I noticed a common thread with all of them: the victim was having trouble making the mortgage payments because they lost their job. It is an absolute joke this "jobless recovery." I can't imagine how huge the recovery would have been if taxes were cut $1 trillion. Or even 1/2 of that would have been more than enough to have a real recovery.
Banks seize 288K homes in Q3, but challenges await - Yahoo! News: "Banks have seized more than 816,000 homes through the first nine months of the year and had been on pace to seize 1.2 million by the end of 2010. But fewer are expected now that several major lenders have suspended foreclosures and sales of repossessed homes until they can sort out the foreclosure-documents mess."
Obama gives kiss of death to Culver
Obama endorses Culver: "President Barack Obama is asking Iowa voters to give Gov. Chet Culver the same winning effort at the polls that they gave him two years ago. “I’ve seen first hand what Iowans can do when an election...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Scott's Harangue: Fighting Fires - Several Stories Up
Scott's Harangue: Fighting Fires - Several Stories Up: "We're happy that Mrs. O-Leary's cow didn't start the Great Chicago Fire. We're happy that Chicago was able to rebuild using modern technolog..."
Nice read about fire fighting.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Administration lifts 6-month oil drilling freeze - Yahoo! News
Administration lifts 6-month oil drilling freeze - Yahoo! News: "Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that new rules imposed after the BP spill — the worst environmental disaster in the country's history — have strengthened safety measures and reduced the risk of another catastrophic blowout."
But yet what are the new rules? It took just 6 months for the Obama administration to fix this problem, allegedly. I don't know how they did it. Why did it take so long to even address the spill in the first place? And why the cover up? I guess it's not this peasant's place to question.
Illegal contributions to a Democrat? Say it isn't so
Four charged after trying to use campaign contributions to land gaming license: "A special prosecutor Monday (Oct. 11) filed charges against four people and two gambling entities for allegedly making illegal campaign contributions to Gov. Chet Culver’s re-election campaign in...
It doesn't escape me that the headline doesn't have the Democrat that the illegal contributions were given to.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Obama's Great Stagnation Worse Than Carter's Malaise
U.S. Economy Lost 95,000 Jobs in September - "WASHINGTON --The U.S. economy continued to lose jobs last month as small gains in the private sector failed to offset big cuts in government workers, pointing to a still sluggish recovery."
They keep wanting to call this thing a recovery and preface it as sluggish. This is not a recovery. A stagnation is a more accurate description. Obama's Great Stagnation Worse Than Carter's Malaise -that should be the headline we see.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong -
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit - Scott Wong - "In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to overturn the law."
This is what we're up against. At all levels of government, there is a fight with the citizens of this country for who is really in control. It's the making of a real revolution and it's no joking matter.
Fox News: Westboro Baptist Church to Defend Military Funeral Protests Before High Court
Fox News
For many, the idea of protesting at any funeral -- let alone one for a member of the military -- is abhorrent, yet members of the Westboro Church proudly boast of having held more than 44,000 pickets at funerals and other events. They also strongly defend their First Amendment right to protest.
For many, the idea of protesting at any funeral -- let alone one for a member of the military -- is abhorrent, yet members of the Westboro Church proudly boast of having held more than 44,000 pickets at funerals and other events. They also strongly defend their First Amendment right to protest.
This so-called "church" is an abomination. They are disgusting and full of nuts.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Adult Liberals become irrational children (when the don't get their way)
’21 Makes Sense’ yard signs stolen: "Supporters of the 21-only ordinance said they were targeted by a “massive yard sign theft operation” this past weekend."
Typical. I remember having my political sign stolen and vandalized (McCain/Palin of course). I put the sign in my window and had to run off a horde of little kids, two of which were banging on my window trying to knock the sign down. All were minority. All were black. But this is what conservatives (or even a moderate or liberal with a single conservative pov) can expect in the Liberal Mecca.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Rich get richer, poor get poorer in the Liberal Mecca of Midwest
Press Citizen,
Assessment reveals Johnson County's income gap
According to information from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey from 2006-08, 20 percent of people in the lowest income bracket in Johnson County earned $10,462. Conversely, those in the highest 20 percent earned more than 16 times that amount: $171,695.
Nobody can live independently on $10,462/year.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Republican voter numbers surge
Republican voter numbers surge: "Republican voter registration has surged in Iowa with about two-thirds of the GOP’s gain appearing to come at the expense of Democrats. Overall, the number of registered voters in Iowa a month before...
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