Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DA: Pa. abortion doc killed 7 babies with scissors - Yahoo! News

In case you didn't believe that evil exists in the world:
Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, made millions of dollars over 30 years, performing as many illegal, late-term abortions as he could, prosecutors said. State regulators ignored complaints about him and failed to inspect his clinic since 1993, but no charges were warranted against them given time limits and existing law, District Attorney Seth Williams said. Nine of Gosnell's employees also were charged.
Gosnell "induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord," Williams said.
From Yahoo! News

Monday, January 17, 2011

Paranormal team investigates N.L. home | | Iowa City Press Citizen

I think the below two sentences say it all:
"The men are not scientists or professional ghosthunters and have jobs outside the paranormal realm. 'We have real jobs and families,' Mihm said. 'Just getting all of us together is really challenging.'" (Emphasis mine)

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Culver: ‘I’m at peace,’ wishes Branstad the best | Iowa Independent

Culver: ‘I’m at peace,’ wishes Branstad the best | Iowa Independent
"Gov. Chet Culver spoke to a crowd of about 75 in Iowa City"
"last Nov 2nd it didn’t quite work out."
"I’m at peace with the fact that the people of Iowa have decided to go in a little different direction."
"We’ve got to continue to lead in renewable energy."
"He said he hopes to stay in Iowa and land a job in the renewable energy industry."
And that's the highlights. Good riddance.

Harkin renews push for filibuster reform | Iowa Independent

Harkin renews push for filibuster reform | Iowa Independent: "the filibuster reform legislation would reduce the majority of senators needed to invoke cloture after an initial vote. On the first cloture vote, 60 votes would be needed to end debate. If one did not get 60 votes, one could file another cloture motion and 2 days later have another vote that vote would require 57 votes to end debate. If cloture was not obtained, one could file another cloture motion and wait 2 more days, when only 54 votes would be needed to end debate. If one did not get that, one could file one more cloture motion, wait 2 more days, and 51 votes would be needed to move to the merits of the bill.
And after that, just have your president enact it by executive order. Oh wait, they already do that.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

BBC News - Punjab Governor Salman Taseer assassinated in Islamabad

BBC News - Punjab Governor Salman Taseer assassinated in Islamabad: "Many were angered by his defence of a Christian woman sentenced to death."

Pew Center finds cell phone users more political, more conservative | Iowa Independent

Pew Center finds cell phone users more political, more conservative | Iowa Independent: "New research by the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds not only were cell phone users more likely to have voted, but nearly half described themselves as “very conservative” or “conservative.”"
Could this be the real reason they want to ban cell phone use while driving and why they keep trying to tell us cell phones cause brain tumors?