Yahoo! News - Reporter Provides Account of Mosul Attack: "Maj. James Zollar, the unit's acting commander, spoke to more than a dozen of his officers in a voice thick with emotion. He urged them to keep their troops focused on their missions.
'This is a tragic, tragic thing for us but we still have missions,' he told them. 'It's us, the leaders, who have to pull them together.'
Just hours before the blast, Zollar had awarded a Purple Heart to a soldier from the 276th who was wounded in a mortar attack on another part of the base in October.
Zollar eventually turned the emergency meeting over to Chaplain Eddie Barnett. He led the group in prayer.
'Help us now, God, in this time of this very tragic circumstance,' Barnett said. 'We pray for your healing upon our wounded soldiers.'
With heads hung low, the soldiers trudged outside. They had work to do."
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