Thursday, May 01, 2008 - Parents of Soldiers Killed in Action Seek $40B From Anti-War Shirt Seller - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Parents of Soldiers Killed in Action Seek $40B From Anti-War Shirt Seller - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News: "PHOENIX — A Tennessee couple who lost their son in Iraq want an Arizona merchant to pay more than $40 billion in damages to survivors of soldiers whose names are on the anti-war shirts he is selling online. A complaint seeking class-action status for the lawsuit by Robin and Michael Read says Dan Frazier of Flagstaff has no right to profit from commercial sale of products that use the dead soldiers' names without permission. The change, requested Tuesday in federal court in Tennessee, would cover the heirs of all U.S. service members killed in the Middle East since Sept. 11, 2001, and seek $4 billion in compensatory damages and $36.5 billion of punitive damages. The Reads' original lawsuit named only themselves as plaintiffs and sought $10 million in compensatory and punitive damages. Frazier's 'Bush lied — They died' T-shirts, sold at his site, list Iraq war casualties' names, and Frazier contends he is covered by First Amendment free-speech protections. 'We think it will be clear that this is political expression and not done for profit,' said Lee Phillips, Frazier's attorney." This is clearly war profiteering. It has nothing to do with free speech. If they gave the shirts away, then I could see they might have something. But, nonetheless, it's a sick person who has anything to do with this shirt. I hope (oops, that's a registered trademark of Obama)- I wish all Americans can see this for what it is.

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