Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

BBC News - Barack Obama signs gay military law

BBC News - Barack Obama signs gay military law: "Guidelines need to be finalised on practical questions ranging from how to educate troops to how sexual preference should be handled when army staff are organising sleeping arrangements in military barracks."
Exactly why it wasn't allowed. Do we really want the defenders of our very lives to be bogged down in social issues?

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Did an Inmate Escape From the Hospital? | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News

How Did an Inmate Escape From the Hospital? | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News: "CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - One day after an inmate escaped from the University of Iowa Hospitals, questions are raising about who was ultimately responsible for the inmates taken to the UIHC."
Nobody believes the hospital is at fault with this. Clearly, the deputy should have stayed, or made more common sense arrangements. With all of the paper work a hospital has to go through, and it's only getting worse under Obamacare, I'm sure the doctor signed without giving it a second thought. But I do bet the hospital and the sheriff get sued just the same.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

UN lifts key sanctions against Iraq - Yahoo! News

UN lifts key sanctions against Iraq - Yahoo! News: "A U.S.-led force drove Saddam's army out of Kuwait in the 1991 Gulf War, and the U.N. then imposed the sanctions. The second war — when a U.S.-led force invaded Iraq and toppled the regime in 2003 — was ostensibly to stop Saddam from developing weapons of mass destruction. Such weapons were never found."
Uh, yes such weapons were found (and he also used such weapons on his own people). Look AP and the rest of you Liberal media, just because you say it over and over again, doesn't make it any less of a lie. If you can get the UN to admit they screwed up saying Saddam had not only WMD but high aspirations of creating more, then you might have a leg to stand on.

UN lifts key sanctions against Iraq - Yahoo! News

UN lifts key sanctions against Iraq - Yahoo! News: "Vice President Joe Biden, who presided over the meeting, told the council the move marked 'an important milestone for the government of Iraq and people of Iraq in their ongoing effort to leave behind their troubled past and embrace a much brighter future.'"
Would it kill him to acknowledge Bush and the US military in having a part in it?

BBC News - Gulf of Mexico oil leak: US sues BP over oil disaster

BBC News - Gulf of Mexico oil leak: US sues BP over oil disaster
Is this what they are calling "taxes" now?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Judge in Va. strikes down federal health care law - Yahoo! News

Judge in Va. strikes down federal health care law - Yahoo! News: "'At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance — or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage — it's about an individual's right to choose to participate,' Hudson wrote."
We have to get this repealed soon. Otherwise, private insurance companies will go out of business and there will be no other choice for medical "insurance" except Obama. If I read this right, the private insurance companies will still have to deal with unattainable government mandates. Of course, this is Obama's plan, to remove any choice and force his will on us.
But this certainly is a step in the right direction. So hooray for that.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Unhappy Democrats say tax bill likely to pass - Yahoo! News

Unhappy Democrats say tax bill likely to pass - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – Slowly, painfully and reluctantly, congressional Democrats are slogging their way toward acceptance of President Barack Obama's tax cut compromise, which would let rich and poor Americans keep Bush-era tax cuts that were scheduled to expire this month."
Have you seen so much fuss over keeping the status quo? The republicans really got played here. Here we are in the Great Stagnation with unemployment at the highest for over 50 years and the best our side can come with is the status quo.
We should be pushing for the most massive tax cuts ever to pull us out of this thing. Timing is incredibly important here as we will soon be going into a natural down cycle for the economy. We need massive tax relief and we need it now, otherwise it will be too late. I hope the new congress has got more guts than this one.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Harkin questions if GOP has ‘lost all sense of fairness, decency and justice’ | Iowa Independent

Harkin questions if GOP has ‘lost all sense of fairness, decency and justice’ | Iowa Independent: "They are not going to agree on anything until we have enacted these tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans."
Have you, senator Harkin, lost all senses? (That is a rhetorical question)
You are not enacting anything you weasel. It's preventing a tax increase. And it's not about the wealthiest. It's about job creators, and the government has shown itself to be a the lousiest job creator. The most recent evidence is the trillion plus "stimulus." You have been in charge of the most massive spending in history, and yet unemployment is still well above 9% and constantly hovering near 10%. And if you include underemployed and those that have given up, it's closer to 20% nationally.
How about you let us keep our money for once? Just give us a year of real conservative policies and see what happens.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Five myths about Sarah Palin

Actually enjoyed this opinion piece from Matthew Continetti.
Five myths about Sarah Palin: "Think you know Sarah Palin? The former Alaska governor has been in the spotlight ever since John McCain named her as his running mate on Aug. 29, 2008. Yet, while practically everybody has an opinion about Palin, not all of those opinions are grounded in reality. Many of them are based more on a 'Saturday Night Live' caricature than on the living, breathing, 46-year-old mother of five. The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the stratosphere of American politics, fusing celebrity and populism in novel ways. Now that she's laying the foundation for a possible presidential run in 2012, it's worth taking a moment to separate the facts about Palin from the fables."