Thursday, December 09, 2010

Unhappy Democrats say tax bill likely to pass - Yahoo! News

Unhappy Democrats say tax bill likely to pass - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – Slowly, painfully and reluctantly, congressional Democrats are slogging their way toward acceptance of President Barack Obama's tax cut compromise, which would let rich and poor Americans keep Bush-era tax cuts that were scheduled to expire this month."
Have you seen so much fuss over keeping the status quo? The republicans really got played here. Here we are in the Great Stagnation with unemployment at the highest for over 50 years and the best our side can come with is the status quo.
We should be pushing for the most massive tax cuts ever to pull us out of this thing. Timing is incredibly important here as we will soon be going into a natural down cycle for the economy. We need massive tax relief and we need it now, otherwise it will be too late. I hope the new congress has got more guts than this one.

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