Monday, January 31, 2005
Iraqis Defy Threats to Vote for Assembly
My Way News: "Uncertain Sunni turnout, a string of insurgent attacks that killed 44 and the crash of a British military plane drove home that chaos in Iraq isn't over yet.
Yet the mere fact the vote went off seemed to ricochet instantly around a world hoping for Arab democracy and fearing Islamic extremism.
'I am doing this because I love my country, and I love the sons of my nation,' said Shamal Hekeib, 53, who walked with his wife 20 minutes to a polling station near his Baghdad home.
'We are Arabs, we are not scared and we are not cowards,' Hekeib said."
Thursday, January 27, 2005
State Helps Suicidal Man Accomplish What He Couldn't
"GLENDALE, Calif. (AP) The district attorney says the man accused of causing the deadly train crash has been charged with murder, with special circumstances making him eligible for the death penalty."
Bush Orders an End to Hiring Columnists
My Way News: "Several investigations, including one by Congress' investigative arm, the Government Accountability Office, and the Education Department, are under way. They are looking into whether any laws were broken - and if so, by whom - when Williams was given the money to produce television and radio ads promoting the No Child Left Behind Act."
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
My Way News
My Way News: "Democrats registered their unhappiness with Bush's handling of Iraq in the Senate's 85-13 vote to confirm Condoleezza Rice as secretary of state. It was the strongest negative vote against a secretary of state since 1825."
Good grief. The press will do whatever they can to twist the story againt Bush. No matter what they say, the truth is Rice was confirmed with 85 votes, greater than a super majority. Yet another win for conservatives.
Senate Confirms Rice As Secretary of State
My Way News: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Condoleezza Rice won easy confirmation Wednesday to be President Bush's new secretary of state, despite strong dissent from a small group of Democrats who said she shares blame for mistakes and war deaths in Iraq.
The Senate voted 85 to 13 to confirm Rice, who succeeds Colin Powell as America's top diplomat and becomes the first black woman to hold the job."
Boxer, Kennedy, and the other ultra-liberal democrats are in serious trouble. They've been designated to be attack dogs because they are "safe" (there seems no possible way to kick them out of office any time soon). Yet, even after their viscous attacks on Rice, such as directly calling her a liar (very rare to come from politicians), they could only muster 13 votes against her. I would have expected this to be the typical partisan vote. This indicates to me that there are democrats wanting a change in their party. Good for them. Couple this with the recent conservative rhetoric from Hillary Clinton regarding abortion. The ultra-libs may think they are "safe," but I think they are going to start seeing some major, major pressure to back down now.
Rice Confirmed
"WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate on Wednesday overwhelmingly confirmed Condoleezza Rice as secretary of state after a host of Democrats harshly criticized Bush administration Iraq policy."
Welcome to uExpress featuring Maggie Gallagher -- The Best Advice and Opinions The Universe!: "A QUESTION OF DISCLOSURE"
It's very likely the Maggie Gallagher will suffer greatly with this. I also am pretty we'll see some some serious consequences for the adminstration people responsible for these contracts. But this is typical when you see questionably ethics from republicans. The response seems to be very harsh and swift. Republicans are always harder on fellow republicans. Contrast this with democrats. You rarely see punishment for ethics violations. On the contrary, many times democrats are rewarded by fellow democrats. Senator Byrd, for example, was a KKK member, has used the phrase "white n*" on a news program, and I'm sure many, many other racial slurs. He is regarded as one of the highest leaders in the democrat party.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Yahoo! News - Fla. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case
Yahoo! News - Fla. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case: "The decision was criticized as 'judicial homicide' by Mrs. Schiavo's father, Robert Schindler, but applauded by her husband, Michael Schiavo, who contends his wife never wanted to be kept alive artificially."
Sure, why not? A baby is unable to say "I want to live" so, maybe we should just murder every human unable to communcate.
Dustin Hoffman Denies Relocation Plans
Yahoo! News - Dustin Hoffman Denies Relocation Plans: "'I was doing some publicity for this movie in the states, and one of the things they asked was don't I have a place in London? I said, `Yes, for 25 years, but we haven't been able to use it as much as we want because we didn't like to separate from the kids. So with five kids over the past 35 years, I've lived my life scheduled around the school year. The last kid is in the house, she graduates in five months and I'm going to get to London as soon as I can and finally make use of the place.'
'That turned into: `I'm moving to get away from (President) Bush,'' Hoffman said.
He added: 'That's silly. You can't go anywhere in the world to get away from Bush.'"
Russian Lawmakers Targets Jewish Groups
Yahoo! News - Russian Lawmakers Targets Jewish Groups: "MOSCOW - A group of nationalist Russian lawmakers called Monday for a sweeping investigation aimed at outlawing all Jewish organizations and punishing officials who support them, accusing Jews of fomenting ethnic hatred and saying they provoke anti-Semitism.
In a letter dated Jan. 13, about 20 members of the lower house of parliament, the State Duma, asked Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov to investigate their claims and to launch proceedings 'on the prohibition in our country of all religious and ethnic Jewish organizations as extremist.'"
Dollar Rises Against Yen
Yahoo! News - Dollar Rises Against Yen: "TOKYO (Reuters) - The dollar rose against the yen on Tuesday after China suggested a revaluation of the yuan may be further away than some had expected, and speculation grew that a G7 meeting would yield no surprises on currencies."
Monday, January 24, 2005
Iraq Forces Arrest Top al-Qaida Lieutenant
ABC News: Iraq Forces Arrest Top al-Qaida Lieutenant: "A top lieutenant of al-Zarqawi's terror group, Sami Mohammed Ali Said al-Jaaf, also known as Abu Omar al-Kurdi, was arrested during a raid in Baghdad on Jan. 15, a government statement said Monday.
Al-Jaaf was responsible for 32 car bombings that killed hundreds of Iraqis and was linked to the August 2003 bombing of U.N. headquarters in Baghdad that killed the top U.N. envoy in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and 21 others, the statement said."
This quote is taken from 1/2 way down the story. Have you ever noticed how the MSM hates to print anything that suggests that the good guys are winning?
Friday, January 21, 2005
Way Too Much God
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan: "Was the president's speech a case of 'mission inebriation'? "
What is going on? It seems some wacked-out liberal has hijacked Peggy Noonan's password and posted this opinion piece in her name. It literally saddened me to read it. She actually states "This world is not heaven." Duh. Does she really think President Bush is trying to make it so? If anyone knows that man does not have the power or authority to make the world into heaven, it's George W. Bush!
The president NEVER stated that he intends to conquer tyranny in the NEXT FOUR YEARS. An inaugural speech should pronounce the ideologic core of the incoming president. Of course, we should strive to end tyranny. Geesh, people need to get a grip. Bush is the most well grounded person I've seen. Maybe all the constant nagging and complaining from liberals is really getting to Noonan (and others). You know, just because someone screams "The sky is falling!" (or "Global Warming!") 10 million times in a row, it simply does not change the truth. The sky is blue, Peggy.
I used to be such an admirer of Peggy Noonan. This piece is giving me second thoughts.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
High Court Asked to Overturn Roe V. Wade
Yahoo! News - High Court Asked to Overturn Roe V. Wade: "'Now we know so much more, and I plead with the court to listen for witnesses and re-evaluate Roe v. Wade (news - web sites),' said McCorvey, who says she now regrets her role in the case."
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Biden Wants Rice To Validate Future Impeachment Of Bush
"WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Joseph Biden challenged Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice Wednesday to acknowledge Bush administration miscalculations in Iraq."
The democrats keep shooting themselves in the foot and moving higher to vital organs. LES (Limbaugh Echo Syndrome)
Monday, January 17, 2005
Catholic Archbishop Kidnapped in Iraq
My Way News: "'The Holy See deplores in the firmest way such a terrorist act,' a Vatican statement said, demanding that he be freed immediately."
I'd think Al-Jazeera would be extremely excited at the prospect of a Roman Catholic Bishop being beheaded.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Friday, January 14, 2005
Sharon Cuts Ties With Abbas Over Militants
My Way News: "JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has severed contacts with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas until he acts against militants, a Sharon spokesman said Friday.
The move came a day after Palestinian militants killed six Israeli civilians in a bombing-and-shooting attack on a Gaza Strip crossing."
Tsunami Orphans Won't Be Sent to Christian Home (
Tsunami Orphans Won't Be Sent to Christian Home (
I have been looking for a strong Christian organization to give to. I think I've found one.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Evolution Disclaimer Unconstitutional
"ATLANTA (AP) Federal judge rules the evolution disclaimer stickers placed inside Cobb County science textbooks are unconstitutional."
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - News - Store Fires Employee Who Refused Service To Marine - News - Store Fires Employee Who Refused Service To Marine: "FORT WORTH, Texas -- The owner of a local convenience store tells NBC 5 he has fired an employee who mistreated a customer who is also a U.S. Marine.
The firing comes in response to protests at the store as well as an e-mail campaign circulating throughout Dallas/Fort Worth. The e-mail, written by Heather Dowell, tells of her brother's treatment while visiting the store."
Monday, January 10, 2005
CBS Fires Four Staffers After Memo Probe
My Way News: "NEW YORK (AP) - Four CBS News staffers were fired Monday following the release of an independent investigation that said a 'myopic zeal' led to the airing of a discredited '60 Minutes Wednesday' story about President Bush's military service."
Friday, January 07, 2005
Students Strip Searched In Hunt For Missing $10 Bill - News - Students Strip Searched In Hunt For Missing $10 Bill: "TEXAS CITY, Texas -- Some parents were up in arms Friday after 10 students were strip-searched for a missing $10 bill at an award-winning charter school in Texas.
The incident happened Thursday at Mainland Preparatory Academy near Texas City, The Galveston County Daily News reported.
Principal Wilma Green said seven girls and three boys -- ages 11 and 12 -- had been in study hall when they were told to strip to their underwear.
She said the boys were sent off with a male teacher and the girls with a female teacher for the searches.
Green said the disrobing was nothing different from what the children would have done for gym class.
She added none of the children objected because they wanted to prove their innocence.
But one boy's mother was so infuriated that she's filed a complaint with police and pulled her four children from the school."
Dollar Surges Against Euro in Reversal
Yahoo! News - Dollar Surges Against Euro in Reversal: "Drossos said comments from U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow on the dollar helped to accelerate the currency's gains.
'We want to do things to sustain the strength of the dollar; among them is going to the Congress to work on the deficit, to bring the deficit down,' Snow told CNBC TV.
Drossos said '(Snow's) comments along with the more hawkish tone we've heard from the Fed really call into question whether there's unequivocal preference for a weak dollar by U.S. authorities.' "
This is pretty much what I've been expecting. I will predict that the next phase is to finally get the Chinese yuan unhooked from the dollar.
Pulled advertising from Sinclair news
My email to Staples:
"Dear Staples Co.:
You have made a grave error, imo in pulling your advertising from
Sinclair news programs.
You have been a target of liberal activist groups. I got this email
from (a liberal
activist organization targeting Sinclair).
I am a conservative and many other conservatives that watch
conservative biased programming. By pulling your advertising from
conservative programs, you are limiting your audience. Why would
people against a Sinclair program email you their grievance? It's not
because they actually watch the show, it's because you have been
There is no shame in advertising on any politically charged program.
It doesn't mean you endorse them, it just means you want to advertise
to their audience. You should stand up for your right to advertise
where you want despite threats of protest from any group.
Because of your decision to not advertise on Sinclair news programs,
you will no longer receive my patronage as I must assume you do not
wish conservative minded people to shop at your store.
Thomas C. Pope"
There reply:
"Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Our media buying process with Sinclair Broadcasting stations has recently been misrepresented by an organization with no affiliation to Staples. Staples regularly drops and adds specific programs from our media buying schedule, as we evaluate and adjust how to best reach our customers. We do not let political agendas drive our media buying decisions.
Staples does not support any political party. We advertise with a variety of media outlets, but do not necessarily share the same views of these organizations or what they report. As we have done for a number of years, Staples will continue to advertise on Sinclair Broadcasting stations.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
Fantastic! I'm very pleased that they are standing up against this liberal scourge (I know, that's redundant).
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Staples Clarifies Advertising On Sinclair
Staples, Inc. Investor Relations: "Our media buying process with Sinclair Broadcast Group stations has recently been misrepresented by an organization with no affiliation to Staples. Staples regularly drops and adds specific programs from our media buying schedule, as we evaluate and adjust how to best reach our customers. We do not let political agendas drive our media buying decisions.
Staples does not support any political party. We advertise with a variety of media outlets, but do not necessarily share the same views of these organizations or what they report. As we have done for a number of years, Staples will continue to advertise on Sinclair Broadcast Group stations."
KKK Member Arrested For Murder
PHILADELPHIA, Miss. (AP) A reputed Ku Klux Klansman has been arrested on murder charges in the 1964 slaying of three civil rights workers, the sheriff's office says.
Bush quake aid group to be dissolved / News in depth / Asian earthquake disaster - Bush quake aid group to be dissolved
I found it interesting that France is listed as donating $56 million, less than China, Spain, Sweden, Canada, Italy, UK, Norway, World Bank, US, Japan, Germany, and Australia.
No Appeal For Yanukovych
"KIEV, Ukraine (AP) The Supreme Court has rejected losing presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych's appeal of last month's presidential revote."
Now what?
Gonzales Disavows Torture Tactics
My Way News: "'America's troops and citizens are at greater risk' because of administration policies that are 'tantamount to torture,' said Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the panel's top Democrat."
Why is that the democrats are bent on bringing down this president? If they spent half their energy going after the real bad guys, i.e. Osama and Zarkawi, we'd be done with the war in no time.
Democrats to Force Debate on Ohio Results
Yahoo! News - Democrats to Force Debate on Ohio Results: "Many Democrats oppose challenging the Ohio vote, concerned that it would do little but antagonize voters who consider the election over. The numbers are also politically daunting: Bush won an Ohio recount by more than 118,000 votes, and won nationally by more than 3 million."
Republicans should respond with silence. Say nothing at all during the debate. This type of absurdity needs no comment whatsoever.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Egypt Created Nuclear Material For A-Bomb
"VIENNA, Austria (AP) Diplomats say the U.N. nuclear agency has evidence Egypt made materials that can be used for atomic weapons. "
Monday, January 03, 2005
Bullock gives one million dollars to tsunami relief operation
Yahoo! News - Bullock gives one million dollars to tsunami relief operation
A very stingy amount if I do say so. I mean, is it even 0.7% of her wealth? That's the UN's definition of stingy.
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