Friday, January 07, 2005

Students Strip Searched In Hunt For Missing $10 Bill - News - Students Strip Searched In Hunt For Missing $10 Bill: "TEXAS CITY, Texas -- Some parents were up in arms Friday after 10 students were strip-searched for a missing $10 bill at an award-winning charter school in Texas. The incident happened Thursday at Mainland Preparatory Academy near Texas City, The Galveston County Daily News reported. Principal Wilma Green said seven girls and three boys -- ages 11 and 12 -- had been in study hall when they were told to strip to their underwear. She said the boys were sent off with a male teacher and the girls with a female teacher for the searches. Green said the disrobing was nothing different from what the children would have done for gym class. She added none of the children objected because they wanted to prove their innocence. But one boy's mother was so infuriated that she's filed a complaint with police and pulled her four children from the school."

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