Friday, June 26, 2009

GM confirms Michigan plant will make new small car - Yahoo! News

Michigan has 14.1% unemployment. Maybe these 1,400 jobs saved will help that by... maybe .01%. That is until the money from the government stops flowing, because I don't think many Americans are looking for subcompacts. They're death traps. One day we will realize Obama is not the savior for our country as he has been portrayed by the sycophant media. GM confirms Michigan plant will make new small car - Yahoo! News: "DETROIT – General Motors Corp. is confirming it will use an idled assembly plant in Orion Township, Mich., and a parts stamping facility in Pontiac, Mich., to build small and compact cars, a move expected save 1,400 jobs."

KB Home Business Up or maybe Down?

I found both of these on Yahoo! News. First article posted by AP at 10:04 am ET:

KB Home new home orders up from 1Q

Second article posted by Reuters at 10:39 am ET (35 minutes later):

KB Home posts loss, orders decline, shares drop

Will the terrorists be re-located to USA?

I asked my two senators and representative if terrorists from GITMO will be coming to Iowa. Rep. Loebsack (D) wouldn't say. Sen. Harkin (D) first thought I was asking about illegal immigration and then replied with something more on the subject, yet still incoherent, like all of his other ideas. He won't say either. Sen. Grassley (R) doesn't care evidently. No response from him. Here's Harkin's response: June 26, 2009

Mr. Thomas Pope

416 N. Stewart St.

North Liberty, IA 52317

Dear Thomas:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. I applaud President Obama’s recent executive orders, which suspended the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay and ordered the closure of the facility within a year.

I believe that closing this prison is a critical step in waging a smarter, more focused, and more effective fight against the terrorists who threaten us. This is the position of Secretary of Defense Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen, four former Secretaries of State, including Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, and James Baker, and countless others.

In the 110th Congress, I was the proud author of a bill to shut down the prison, S. 1469, the “Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility Closure Act of 2007.” With this legislation, I sought a practical approach to closing the Guantanamo Bay prison as expeditiously as possible.

The seven-year-old prison at Guantanamo is a stain on the honor of our country. By holding people at Guantanamo without charge, without judicial review, without appropriate legal counsel, and - in the past – subjecting many of them to what amounts to torture, we have not only forfeited the moral high ground, but we have damaged our international relationships and hindered our fight against the terrorists by giving our enemies a powerful recruiting tool.

I look forward to working with President Obama to close the facility at Guantanamo Bay in a way that protects our national security and ensures that those who have caused us harm are vigorously prosecuted, while we remain faithful to our ideals and values and uphold the rule of law.

Again, thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to let me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.


Tom Harkin

United States Senator


Friday, June 19, 2009

Harkin wants bill to apologize for slavery | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

This will be a huge story. It opens the door for reparations. Harkin is an idiot. As if the country being torn apart, a civil war, and over half a million people dead, isn't enough. I wonder if they are still people out there thinking we must be beyond racism since we elected a black man to president. Harkin wants bill to apologize for slavery | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "WASHINGTON - Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, lead the Senate Thursday in supporting a congressional resolution that apologizes for the enslavement of African-Americans."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Woman saves child, but gets pinned beneath car | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

Nice to read stories like this. Woman saves child, but gets pinned beneath car | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

1967 study had flood prediction right on target | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

So what's significant about this story? Well, I think it is quite amazing that what happened last year in the flood was predicted over 40 years ago. I'm sure no one had even thought of "Man-made Global Warming" back then. Also, how ridiculous it was that we were so unprepared. I remember hearing over and over, "No one could have expected this to happen." Yet, now we know some actually did. 1967 study had flood prediction right on target | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "The Corps’ prediction of the land area such a flood would cover was equally accurate, almost exactly matching the boundaries of last year’s floodwaters."

Friday, June 05, 2009

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Uranium found at second Syria site - IAEA

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Uranium found at second Syria site - IAEA: "The IAEA is investigating US claims that a Syrian site destroyed in a 2007 Israeli raid was a nuclear reactor that was not yet operational."

Jobless rate hits 9.4 percent in May; layoffs slow - Yahoo! News

9.4%! That's higher than the 9.2% I heard just yesterday. I think it will be 10% before the end of this year. But they are so happy because the rate of people being canned is decreasing. Maybe that's because business is running out of "fat" to cut. That's usually how businesses get rid of people that are not completely incompetent, yet not really providing any value to the company. They don't really have a reason to fire them, so when layoffs come around, those are usually the first to go. This isn't over. As the article says (but tries to make it sound not so bad), nobody is hiring. There are companies collapsing all over the place. Do think it was just dumb luck one of the largest companies in the world has failed? No way. This is a trend and it may appear to be "slowing" but remember, it's still slowing. Everyday, there are companies barely making it as it is. They are trying to hold on, and maybe they can for awhile, but many are going to collapse if things don't get better soon. Now we really will see the effects of the "stimulus." The massive amount of money is not coming out of thin air, as they want you to believe. It's coming out of the economy. Trillions more are being sucked out as I write this. A lot gets put back, but a lot is simply diluted and making our real assets more worthless. Inflation is going to happen. Interest rates will sky rocket, and they'll keep raising our taxes. The more they monkey around with the markets, the more messed up it will become. Jobless rate hits 9.4 percent in May; layoffs slow - Yahoo! News: "The much smaller-than-expected reduction in payroll jobs, reported by the Labor Department on Friday, adds to evidence that the recession is loosening its hold on the country. It marked the fourth straight month that the pace of layoffs slowed."

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Got Your Permit To Study the Bible? - HUMAN EVENTS

Nice op-ed by Chuck Norris. Go kick their *** Chuck! Got Your Permit To Study the Bible? - HUMAN EVENTS: "Are you prepared for a future in which you hear, 'Got your permit to study the Bible?'"

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Local timber business remains bird-friendly | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

Wouldn't this be considered a conflict of interest? This is like your neonatal doctor is also an abortionist. Or, a paramedic that's also the mortician. Local timber business remains bird-friendly | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "Though some might say the categories are mutually exclusive, Jack Knight is both a tree hugger and a tree cutter."

Monday, June 01, 2009

Iowa presidential campaigning returns - Yahoo! News

This is all we have in Iowa, Presidential Caucus, Swine Flu, and Same Sex Marriage. Iowa presidential campaigning returns - Yahoo! News

For a good laugh...

This is guy is truly nuts. : Goodbye, GM Michael Moore: "The products built in the factories of GM, Ford and Chrysler are some of the greatest weapons of mass destruction responsible for global warming and the melting of our polar icecaps."

Swine Flu has no effect on this pork

Apparently, the swine flu hasn't hurt this "pork" one bit here in Iowa. New rules open window to political 'pork' requests | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "Harkin, arguably in the best position to bring home bacon as a high-ranking, majority-party member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, submitted 289 appropriation requests for $878 million."

Filing Has Potential to Lift Economy in Long Term -

GM files for bankruptcy and the market goes up??? Most people believe this recession is not Obama's, but Bush's (Rasmussen: 62% Say Bush, Not Obama, To Blame For Ongoing Economic Problems). I can understand why they would think that given the constant pounding from the "news" media. However, Bush did everything Obama said he should have, and now that he's in office, he wants to double down. If what Bush did is the cause, how do people think that doing it twice as much will fix this? It won't. And I promise you, I will do everything I possibly can to remind people that it may not be Obama's recession but sure is his depression. Filing Has Potential to Lift Economy in Long Term - "The General Motors Corp. bankruptcy means months of shedding plants, brands, jobs and dealers just as the recession shows signs of abating. But part of the gamble is that it will prove to be better for the economy than the alternatives."