Friday, May 29, 2009

First Reply on GITMO shutdown

My first reply is from Rep. Loebsack (D). I believe this guy is truly a nice guy, but even nice guys can be Marxists. I don't think he is, but he is a Statist. Of course he didn't answer my question "How many Terrorists will be re-locating to Iowa?" But I didn't expect one. They never answer my questions. I'm going to get a complex.
May 28, 2009 Dear Mr. Pope,

Thank you for contacting me about the detention facility at the US Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I'm honored to represent you in Congress. Your opinion is very important to me and my priority is to provide Iowa's Second District with the best representation possible.

Beginning in 2002, nearly 800 people captured in Afghanistan and elsewhere have been transferred to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. Since then, the Bush Administration transferred all but roughly 250 detainees out of Guantanamo Bay, with the majority sent to a third country for continued detention or release. On January 22, 2009, President Obama issued an Executive Order requiring the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to be closed no later than January 21, 2010. The President also established an interagency task force to provide recommendations on the transfer of the detainees to another location.

The closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility raises a number of complex security, legal, and logistical issues, including where the detainees will be held and what laws and regulations will apply to them. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I believe we must find a way forward that protects our national security, upholds our laws, and allows for the prosecution of known terrorists in order to assure that the convictions are upheld, justice is carried out, and to assure that terrorists are held accountable and do not return to the battlefield. Please be assured that I will closely monitor the Administration's review of detainee policy and will keep your thoughts in mind should legislation concerning the detainees at Guantanamo Bay come before the House of Representatives.

Thank you again for contacting me about this important issue. I encourage you to visit my website at and sign up for my e-newsletters to stay informed of the work I'm doing in Congress. I am proud to serve Iowa's Second District, and I am committed to working hard for you.

Sincerely, Dave Loebsack Member of Congress

Economy sinks at a 5.7 percent pace in 1Q - Yahoo! News

Economy sinks at a 5.7 percent pace in 1Q - Yahoo! News

UAW members likely to approve GM concessions - Yahoo! News

UAW members likely to approve GM concessions - Yahoo! News Like they had a choice. Option 1, lose everything. Option 2, lose almost everything.

Space station crew finally at full staff of 6 - Yahoo! News

Space station crew finally at full staff of 6 - Yahoo! News Finally, some good news on unemployment.

GM confirms plans to build compact cars in US - Yahoo! News

GM confirms plans to build compact cars in US - Yahoo! News GM going bankrupt, this will fix it.

North Korea fires short-range missile - Yahoo! News

I remember years ago reading that North Korea has the capability to hit the US west coast, but not very accurately. How accurate do you have to be with a nuclear bomb? I wonder where all the stories are about missile defense? Just another wasteful military program that Bush did, right? North Korea fires short-range missile - Yahoo! News: "In a draft resolution obtained by Reuters, the U.N. Security Council called for enforcement of sanctions imposed after Pyongyang's 2006 nuclear test, which included a limited trade and arms embargo that had been widely ignored. A vote could come as early as next week, diplomats said." (emphasis added)

Climate-change disasters kill 300,000 a year - Yahoo! News

Climate-change disasters kill 300,000 a year - Yahoo! News: "The report suggests that rising sea levels, desertification and changing rainfall patterns are reducing many people's access to safe drinking water and food. This in turn increases diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition." The Crude Death Rate is the number of deaths per 1,000. I got the following from World Resources Institute under their portal called EarthTrends. From 1950-1955 the world CDR was 20. From 2000-2005 the world CDR was 9. These manipulators from the The Global Humanitarian Forum and the "reporters" have access to this just as you and I, and yet they still want to make these ridiculous claims. How can it be that the CDR has dropped in half and yet we have so many people dying from so-called Climate Change (aka weather)? Crisis after crisis after crisis. "Never waste a crisis"

GM bondholders urged to accept new debt deal - Yahoo! News

The government is the largest shareholder and creditor in what at least used to be our largest manufacturing industry. Definition of socialism from
"a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole."
What else do we call this? GM bondholders urged to accept new debt deal - Yahoo! News: "Investors representing at least 35 percent of GM's bonds are expected to support the sweetened offer from the U.S. Treasury, which will be the automaker's largest shareholder and creditor."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sotomayor nominated to high court — first Hispanic - Yahoo! News

Oops. I think they meant to say "...joined by Vice President Joe Biden, who is a white racist." Because he really is white and he really is racist. Sotomayor nominated to high court — first Hispanic - Yahoo! News: "The White House announcement ceremony was a picture of diversity, the first black president, appointing the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice, joined by Vice President Joe Biden, who is white."

Homeless under assault?

Two stories showing how we are unfairly targeting homeless people. (sarcasm provided free of charge) Cops: Man demands $30 for lost phone | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "A man in Iowa City was arrested Sunday for allegedly demanding that a person pay him $30 to return a lost cell phone. Kevin L. Penro, 38, was in Johnson County Jail on Monday in lieu of a $5,000 cash bond. He has no known address, according to a criminal complaint." Man faces charges after arson in Iowa City | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "IOWA CITY — Peter Mendoza Jr., 32, address not available, was arrested on first-degree arson charges Monday after a trash container fire in Iowa City."

Senators vow to fight proposed biofuels rule | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

This made me chuckle also. It takes 3 gallons to make 4 gallons of ethanol at best estimates. They pushed this on us and claimed all kinds of ridiculous things, one of them being it's better for the environment. Now we have a significant portion of our economy devoted to this lie. Killing ethanol off will be disastrous for Iowa. God is right, you reap what you sow. Senators vow to fight proposed biofuels rule | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "Iowa's U.S. senators are promising to fight any attempt to penalize the biofuels industry in the development of climate change legislation."

Group aims to attract gay weddings to area | | Iowa City Press Citizen

I laughed my head off when I read this. We are going to use same-sex marriage as an economic tool??? I can't wait to tell my opposite-sex partner (aka my wife in God's eyes) about this one. Group aims to attract gay weddings to area | | Iowa City Press Citizen: "Josh Schamberger, president of the Iowa City/Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau, said that one aspect of the effort will be to compile a list of gay-friendly wedding service providers that will be available on the convention’s Web site and in its marketing materials. He said the court’s ruling provides an opportunity for economic development through tourism."

Northwest block party cancelled over funding delay | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

The thing about this that stuck out to me was why in the world is the Department of Homeland Security funding block parties? How is this related to defending our country against terrorists? This is outrageous to me and just shows us one more reason why we can't trust the government with our money. Northwest block party cancelled over funding delay | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "Stokesberry said other similar events are planned around Cedar Rapids through the summer, and all are slated to receive funding from the Homeland Security grant."

Political Correctness out-of-control

These girls were making fun of "gangsters," not young black men. And why shouldn't we mock them? They are scum of the earth. They murder people and do it many times indiscriminately. It's a shame that this is where we are. If you dress up as Santa Clause, will you be hurting the feelings of fat people. If you dress up as a witch, will you be offending Wiccans? If you dress up as a pig, aren't you mocking police officers? I hear outright hateful things about former president Bush, many flat out lies, yet why don't I hear from him and his family complaining about it? Why was this young black man offended in the first place? I thought it was gutless for the girls to apologize for this. They gave in to the premise that they were mocking young black men and I don't think that was the intention at all. Luther rugby team apologizes for party costumes | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "Some members of the rugby club, as part of their annual spring social event, wore baggy pants, bandannas and fake 'grills' on their teeth, a stereotypical depiction of young black men. The theme for the event was 'gangsters and preps.'"

Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama backs Gitmo plan, Cheney defends Bush policy - Yahoo! News

Dear Senator Harkin/Senator Grassley/Representative Loebsack, How many Enemy Combatants, Terrorists, People of Suspicion, or whatever they are called today, be moved to Iowa and in particular, eastern Iowa? Since there is the possibility and likelihood that some of these people have murdered Americans and would like to murder me and my fellow Americans, I would like to know the level of preparedness I should take in order to protect my family. With all due respect, An Iowan Voter That's what I'm sending my so called congressional representation in Washington. I'll post the responses here. Obama backs Gitmo plan, Cheney defends Bush policy - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama fought Thursday to retake command of the emotional debate over closing Guantanamo, denouncing 'fear-mongering' by political opponents and insisting that maximum-security prisons in the U.S. can safely house dangerous terror suspects transferred from Cuba. In a unique bit of Washington theater, former Vice President Dick Cheney delivered his own address just one minute later, defending the Bush administration's creation of the prison camp as vigorously as Obama denounced it."

Report: White House to Move GM Into Bankruptcy - Presidential Politics | Political News -

If you didn't see this coming, you must be an Obama drone, I mean supporter. Report: White House to Move GM Into Bankruptcy - Presidential Politics | Political News - "The Obama administration is preparing to move GM into bankruptcy under the terms of a plan that would give the auto giant tens of billions of dollars more in government financing, the Washington Post reported."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lowe's profit tops view

Only in this administration does "historic lows" equals great news. They keep telling us we are maybe approaching the bottom. I don't think so. I don't understand why the Dow is around 8,500, but if I could accurately predict the market (or anyone), then I wouldn't be spending time writing this. I think the Dow is inflated at 8,500. With all the fundamentals being haywire, it shouldn't be that high. Unemployment is still rising, housing is still plummeting, manufacturing is down, etc. We also are going to be dealing with a massive amount of money hitting certain markets soon. Money that has no backing. So I'm still expecting hyper-inflation next year. It's such a shame too. I think under a Conservative president, we'd really be coming out of this by now. Too bad we didn't have the option to elect one. Lowe's profit tops view: "Though there are positive signs, Lowe's will remain conservative with its plans since many economic indicators are still near 'historic lows, Niblock said."

Banks talking to U.S. about TARP repayments: official

Wouldn't it be nice if the bank told us, "we think your mortgage payment is too high for you to pay and remain financially solvent, please keep your money"? That's how ridiculous this sounds to me. Banks talking to U.S. about TARP repayments: official: "The banks that are asking to repay TARP funds are among the 19 institutions that submitted to government stress tests to determine their ability to withstand a sharp economic downturn, the official said."

The Starving Blogger

Blogs take too much work. I initially started blogging 5 or 6 years ago 1) to try out this new fad and 2) I thought it would be interesting to keep a diary of my thoughts. I'm over number 1. Number 2, I still think is worth while, but it's not easy to keep motivated to do. And if you don't write regularly, then it doesn't seem to make much sense. There will be large gaps. I also have found it hard to be interested enough to go back and review. I have a few times though. We live in a fast food world. If it takes me more than 30 seconds to get the gist of a story, I usually move on. I wonder how many have moved on from this blog post. For fun and interest, I added Google Ads to my blog. Well, it turns out, if I relied on my sustenance coming from the money I made from that, I would have starved to death years ago. My biggest day was a $1.92. 13 impressions and 1 click. Someone must have bought something I guess. I average 6 cents a day. Still, I suppose that's more than what most people make from blogging (since most people don't blog and therefore make nothing). Well, I'm bored of this already. Like I said, blogging is too hard.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama opposes detainee abuse photo release

Too late. Now they will just assume the worst and seek revenge anyway. Obama opposes detainee abuse photo release: "Just last month the Obama administration had said it would comply with a court order to release the pictures by May 28, saying legal options for appealing the case had been limited. But Obama shifted gears after senior military commanders and some members of Congress expressed misgivings about the potential for the photos to generate violence against U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."

It's getting so much better!

I got this yesterday. Pretty funny considering all of the positive comments made in the last month or so saying that we've bottomed out or are very close to. I had thought we really would bottom out the second half of this year, but now I'm starting to think we are going to double dip, so to speak.

East Iowa Presbytery open to gay, lesbian ministers | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

I guess these guys have thrown the Bible completely out. East Iowa Presbytery open to gay, lesbian ministers | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "DAVENPORT — Members of the East Iowa Presbytery voted last night in favor of changing the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to allow the possibility of gay and lesbian ministers."

After official count, tax vote stands | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

Coralville and Iowa City are sandwiched together. Iowa City is the largest city, 70,000 vs. 20,000. It's hard to say how a 1% difference in sales tax will affect their respective economies. I wouldn't think masses of people will start shopping in Coralville instead of Iowa City, especially since Iowa City is a University town and a party town. But, I think the affect will be greater than 1%. After 4 years, I suspect Coralville will take around 2-5% of sales from Iowa City, more than enough to make up from the loss of tax revenue sharing from the hike. This is a great opportunity to prove how Conservatism pays off over Liberalism. After official count, tax vote stands | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "The four-year, 1 percent local-option sales tax was approved by seven votes in Iowa City, 3,641 to 3,634. The tax was rejected in Coralville by eight votes, 964 to 956."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Filmed fight lands on YouTube; Student charged in Fort Dodge | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City

My, how have things changed. They are talking about prosecuting spectators. I don't think that will happen. There has always been this type of stuff happening, but now Big Brother is a whole lot Bigger than when I was in middle school back in the 80's. I would be feeling pretty nervous if I was the YouTube poster. I'd think some of the kids will be looking for him/her. Filmed fight lands on YouTube; Student charged in Fort Dodge | - Cedar Rapids, Iowa City: "A middle school student faces charges after a filmed after-school fight was posted on YouTube."

Monday, May 04, 2009

Rockwell Coloins Damage Tolerance Phase II

Democrats drop funds to close Gitmo

Democrats drop funds to close Gitmo: "No lawmaker wants the accused terrorists in their backyard." I thought these guys were innocents being tortured? I guess, when it's their families at risk, torture is OK.

BBC NEWS | Business | Obama crackdown on tax loopholes

The results of this will be a mass exodus of US businesses. He is proposing (which in the case of this president is actually dictating) US based businesses pay the US government taxes on profits from goods and services made completely outside of the US. Companies will not tolerate this, and simply find a different way of operating that avoids this all together. I predict that several companies will simply shut down their base of operations here, and export their product to the US. So, we are in a recession where it is admitted that we have yet to hit bottom, and this guy wants to make doing business here even more expensive? He is an ideologue who's core belief is that government (read Obama) is the only thing that can run us stupid people's lives. Now I'm an ideologue also. I believe that the private sector will get us out of this recession and that the cause of the current fiscal disaster is because of government intervention. The difference is, I have evidence to support my theory and he has nothing but demagoguery and trumped up fears. I agree with Rush. Obama gets a D- for his first 100 days, only because we have to leave some room for his future failures. BBC NEWS | Business | Obama crackdown on tax loopholes: "The president said he wanted to 'make it easier' for US companies to create jobs at home."

Weekend Stories

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets Google revealing too much again. These guys know more than the NSA. ______________________________ Facebook Boosts Security After Dual Phishing Attacks More reasons to just say no to the Internet. It's bad out there, like the wild west. If you're not careful, you will be hacked. Even if you are careful, you're likely to be hacked. Keep your anti-virus updated, and use a firewall and a router. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should turn your computer off now. :) Seriously, be careful. You should also change your passwords every so often. Don't use anything that resembles a real word or words. My recommendation is to create really weird stuff, like 3&dfVl@jK. You're better off doing that and writing it down somewhere than using, mypassword. Here's a safe site to generate random passwords: A trick is to create a regular notepad text file with your passwords and use copy and paste to enter into a site. Name the text file something strange and not obvious. It sounds unsafe, but it actually can be safer than typing in a password because of keyloggers. This is a systemic problem and the bad guys are winning. ______________________________ US flu tally jumps to 241 as labs catch up Stock market should be up on this news. Investors like despair outside of the financial market.

Welcome to Iowa

Thought this was funny.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Swine flu may be less potent than first feared

This had to be hard for them to acknowledge. I'm sure the press is devastated they haven't been able to report the 1000's dead they thought they would by now. Oh well, back to the Obama walking on water stories. Swine flu may be less potent than first feared: "The swine flu outbreak that has alarmed the world for a week now appears less ominous, with the virus showing little staying power in the hardest-hit cities and scientists suggesting it lacks the genetic fortitude of past killer bugs. President Barack Obama even voiced hope Friday that it may turn out to be no more harmful than the average seasonal flu."

Manufacturing declines at slower rate in April

We are slowly slowing down to a moderating level of slowness. I said on Facebook back on Dec. 5, 2008 when the Dow was 8,635:

Thomas Pope predicts the Dow will bottom out at 5500 to 6500 between June and November 2009

I wonder how close I'll be. It's really starting to look like this will happen. Hey, if I don't toot my own horn, who will? Honestly, I have had doubts lately that I missed it when the Dow got down to nearly 6,500 on March 9 and has regain 1,500 since. But I still lean more to it correcting a few more times downward before it truly starts recovering. Really, nobody can predict these things, at least consistently. I think it's fun to try and at least it distracts me a little from the reality of the situation. Manufacturing declines at slower rate in April: "WASHINGTON – U.S. manufacturing activity contracted at a slower-than-expected pace in April, raising hopes that a steep plunge that began last fall may be moderating. The performance was driven by a rise in new orders reflecting higher business and consumer spending."