Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Way News - Schwarzenegger Endorses John McCain

My Way News - Schwarzenegger Endorses John McCain: "LOS ANGELES (AP) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Sen. John McCain in the Republican presidential race on Thursday, praising him as an extraordinary leader who can reach across the political aisle to get things done." (singing) "I'm in the mood for change..." blah blah. That's my theory of why McCain and Obama are rising. Both sides and the whole country are just in the mood for something different. We want to close out the Iraq war, we want something different in the economy, we want a move in the abortion issue, we want someone other than Bush and Clinton as president. But, as a conservative, I resist this "feeling." I want the fundamentals to be there. I want supply-side economics unleashed. I want State-Rights over Federal-Rights (aka federalism). I want secured borders and I want to destroy our enemies. I'm not excited and even depressed with our current candidates.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Way News - Giuliani to Exit Presidential Race Today

My Way News - Giuliani to Exit Presidential Race Today: "The results seriously decimated Giuliani's unconventional strategy, which relied heavily on Florida to launch him into the coast-to-coast Feb. 5 nominating contests." It was somewhat refreshing to see different tactics for running this time, with Thompson delaying on officially getting in and Giuliani skipping the early primaries/caucuses. But it did prove that the conventional way still works best. The outcome could have been completely different if they both had done the old fashioned way.

My Way News - Giuliani to Exit Presidential Race Today

My Way News - Giuliani to Exit Presidential Race Today: "ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - Following his third place finish in Florida, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani is expected to drop out of the presidential race today and endorse Sen. John McCain." I hope this is wrong. He should not endorse McCain. Giuliani's dropping out actually will seal the deal for Romney. Romney has picked up most of Thompson supporters and I believe he will get half or more of Giuliani's. McCain does not have more conservative support than Romney. Romney is not a favorite but will be preferred over McCain for conservatives. My fears are coming true: This will be a race for who can do the least worst on turn-out. I expect that this will be a very low turn-out and that will unfortunately favor Hillary. Which is a change for past elections where republicans did well with low turn-out. So I might as well start preparing for a very bad four years. Bad thing is, I don't think republicans will take either the house or senate and probably lose seats. My only reprieve is the Supreme Court has 4 strong originalists and that can help slow the countries progression to tyranny. I was right that Thompson would drop out. I was wrong about Giuliani and therefore wrong that they would be a ticket.

My Way News - John Edwards to Quit Presidential Race

My Way News - John Edwards to Quit Presidential Race: "DENVER (AP) - Democrat John Edwards is exiting the presidential race Wednesday, ending a scrappy underdog bid in which he steered his rivals toward progressive ideals while grappling with family hardship that roused voter's sympathies but never diverted his campaign, The Associated Press has learned."

Monday, January 28, 2008

My Way News - Senate May Add to Stimulus Package

My Way News - Senate May Add to Stimulus Package: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats will move to add to a $150 billion economic stimulus package rebates for senior citizens living off Social Security and an extension of unemployment benefits, setting up a clash with the White House and House leaders who are pushing a narrower package." Saw this coming also. Watch and see, "We're only asking for $50 billion more for the old people." I would love to see the American people wake up and stop this thing like we did for the amnesty bill. But, I don't expect that. "Uh, yea, please don't give me $1200, I prefer you keep my money for the benefit of the nation." $1200 will buy a nice new 42" HD TV, or take a big chunk out of 60" plasma. Little do you know, the price of everything will shoot up another 5%. We'll lose that $1200 and end up paying $3000 more for everything this year and years to come.

My Way News - Sen. Kennedy Backing Obama for President

My Way News - Sen. Kennedy Backing Obama for President: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Two generations of Kennedys - Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy and his son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island - are endorsing fellow Democrat Barack Obama for president." I was just saying last week that this was a turf war between the Clintons and Kennedy's. I'd bet on the Kennedy's (if I was a betting man). Last year remember that Ted Kennedy came out strong for Obama. It was funny because he kept calling him Osama.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Founders Explain Conservatism "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. -- Benjamin Franklin" Exactly. Well said Mr. Franklin.

My Way News - Senate Pressured to OK Stimulus Deal

My Way News - Senate Pressured to OK Stimulus Deal: "The White House is pressing for quick action and leaders in the House fear that if the Senate attempts to rework the legislation the deal could come apart." This sounds McCainish.... (remember the amnesty bill, he said the same thing).

My Way News - Senate Pressured to OK Stimulus Deal

My Way News - Senate Pressured to OK Stimulus Deal: "WASHINGTON (AP) - A much-anticipated deal between the White House and once-warring House leaders to speed tax rebate checks to workers starting in May has the Senate in a bind over whether to try to add to the measure." We are having some of the worst inflation in years (4.1% for 2007). The housing market (or credit in general) is problematic for 5-6% of that area, and that's because people have been receiving loans that they couldn't afford. So, to "fix" this we are going to pump in $150 billion (I'm sure that will go up another $50 billion yet) and dramatically cut interest rates. By the way, where does that $150 billion come from? Do you think they cut 1 dime from anything to make up for it? This is not hard to understand. When you have inflation the worst thing you can do is pump more money into the economy. It's fake money. It devalues our currency, which is also suffering from worldwide devaluation for several years. It will only cause more inflation. Cutting interest rates and sending out tax rebates pumps more money into the economy, thus devaluing the currency more, thus making us pay more for everything. Conservatism is on life support.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Way News - China Shuts Down Pornographic Web Sites

My Way News - China Shuts Down Pornographic Web Sites: "BEIJING (AP) - China shut down 44,000 Web sites and arrested 868 people for Internet pornography last year, state media said Wednesday." A communist country can do this. It seems innocuous, even beneficial, but it's government removing liberty from the people. This is not possible in this country, because we believe in liberty. When there is a close debate on whether it is good or bad, or neutral, we side on the side of liberty. I'm against pornography, but I'm also for as much liberty and freedom as possible. I am concerned that if the government started shutting down porn, for the good of children, then they have a precedent to shut down other things, such as a Christian Sunday School class. I'm afraid many Americans get pulled into populist themes that "save the children" and give up liberties that are very difficult and painful to get back. This is why I can't support Mike Huckabee for President.

My Way News - Youth Vs. Adults in Gadget Wars

My Way News - Youth Vs. Adults in Gadget Wars: "...young people are feeling uncomfortable about their elders encroaching on what many young adults and teens consider their technological turf." That's a dumb statement. Completely subjective and unsupported. Agenda reporters...just report, opinions belong in the editorial section.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Way News - Obama Fights Back Against Bill Clinton

My Way News - Obama Fights Back Against Bill Clinton: "The Rev. Calvin Butts, a supporter of the former first lady, introduced her at a service in the Abyssinian Baptist Church as someone who 'has been our friend' before officially endorsing her. As dozens of Obama supporters shouted 'Harlem for Obama,' Clinton's supporters tried to drown them out by shouting 'Hil-la-ry!'" This is what I love to read.

Kopi Luwak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kopi Luwak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mmm, mmm.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Way News - Bush Favors Tax Breaks in Stimulus Plan

My Way News - Bush Favors Tax Breaks in Stimulus Plan Pelosi wants over $100 Billion! They're talking about giving more welfare to people on food stamps, so another re-distribution of wealth. Great. Like we can afford that too! And then the Dow closes down 300 pts on this news. Oh, and forget about making the tax cuts permanent! The Baby Boomers are just now beginning to retire and will be demanding Social Security like no other group before. Now we are going to "stimulate" the economy by giving billions (which comes from where?) to poor people. Poor people create how many jobs?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Way News - Castro Says He's Too Unhealthy to Speak

My Way News - Castro Says He's Too Unhealthy to Speak: "Castro, however, expressed frustration in his essay: 'I do what I can: I write. For me, this is a new experience: writing is not the same as speaking.'"

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Way News - Rare Winter Tornadoes Rake Midwest

My Way News - Rare Winter Tornadoes Rake Midwest: "Record temperatures were reported across much of the country Monday, and storms continued to pummel the nation's midsection as darkness fell. More warmth and storms were in store for Tuesday." Amazing. No matter how much I expect it, I still am amazed when I read agenda news. Winter tornadoes are not that uncommon. Warm spells also have been known to happen in winter, not uncommon at all. But when I read this article, it sounds like the end is here and we are in the middle of a heat wave in the middle of winter. I wish. The reality is that this winter has been below normal up until now. Why wasn't the drive-by's reporting that? Why didn't the article talk about how often winter tornadoes occur? This answer is obvious.

My Way News - Leadoff Primary Shapes White House Race

My Way News - Leadoff Primary Shapes White House Race: "At Jack's coffee shop in New London, which has separate bathrooms for men, women and politicians, Obama said he didn't see the video of his opponent tearing up. 'I know that this process is a grind, so that's not something I would care to comment on,' he said." Edwards responded, We need a strong Commander-in-Chief. What a buffoon. I predicted that Obama's response would be just like he said. I said to my wife after we heard Edwards on the news, I bet Obama says something like, I know the campaign has been tough, and come off very sympathetic. This crying is or has already sunk Hillary. Going up against Obama is going to be tough because he comes across as reasonable and smart. But I like that because this will be a battle about policy and not identity. Who better for this fight than Thompson? He has done nothing but talk policy since he began this and before.