Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Dean Emerging as Likely Chief for Democrats

The New York Times > Washington > Dean Emerging as Likely Chief for Democrats: "Republicans, who had already been portraying the Democrats as obstructionist and extreme, seemed somewhere between being delighted and amused to have Dr. Dean to kick around again, instantly invoking a defining moment in his career. 'After 10 years, you wonder if Democrats are running out of ways to say no,' said Representative Tom DeLay of Texas, the House majority leader. 'But then again, if they make Howard Dean the party chairman, I guess you could scream it.' Richard Bond, the former head of the Republican National Committee, said: 'He's a very capable guy, he's got high energy, but he will reinforce all of their worst instincts. His style and message is one that will narrow his party's options rather than expand them.' 'I think it's a scream,' Mr. Bond said." If Dean really does make it (it wouldn't be the first time he was way ahead and lost it all) then I'd say that this is the nail in the coffin for liberals. Dean will accelerate the demise of the democratic party as it is known today (full of wacked-out liberals) and that should encourage the conservative democrats to finally take the party back.

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