Wednesday, May 25, 2005

After 4 Years, Owen Gets Confirmation Vote

My Way NewsWASHINGTON (AP) - The filibuster fight over for now, the Senate finally is ready to confirm Priscilla Owen as a federal judge, ending a four-year effort by Democrats to derail one of President Bush's prime judicial nominees. Some are saying Republicans really lost here. But I feel great to see several conservative judges being appointed for life. No matter how I think of it, it seems more of a loss for Democrats. Conservative judges will finally get through to very important courts. McCain didn't win either. You see, since Frist wasn't involved in these negotiations, neither Bush, then I really don't expect them to honor the so called Maverick senators. If the Democrats choose to fillibuster again, then Frist can simply invoke the Constitutional requirement of the Senate to approve or reject judicial appointments. Rush was saying that it will be looked as much more valid if the mavericks say a nominee is extreme, at least by the media. So what? The media keeps losing right along with the Democrats. The mavericks will be shown to be the most partisan out there if they start the judicial fillibusters again. No, I think this is a good victory for Republicans, not the glorious one we were looking for, but it will do for now.

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