Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My Way News - Democrats Take Majority of Governorships

My Way News - Democrats Take Majority of Governorships This is dark Wednesday for conservatives. It will be the dark ages for the United States by the middle of next year. Now that the nation has chosen "change" we WILL get it. The president is GOING TO BE IMPEACHED. Taxes WILL GO UP FOR EVERYONE. The nation has chosen the party that believes we have the right to kill the innocent but not the right to kill the guilty. We have put in power the party that rewards unproductivity and punishes productivity. This will become very apparent to everyone by the middle of next year. But it will be to late. The democrats are in control and there is NOTHING we can do about that for the next two years. Remember, all of the leftest socialist are running this party. You didn't hear from them during the campaign but you will now.

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