Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Way News - Senate Blocks Immigration Bill

My Way News - Senate Blocks Immigration Bill: "WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate drove a stake Thursday through President Bush's plan to legalize millions of unlawful immigrants, likely postponing major action on immigration until after the 2008 elections. The bill's supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed to limit debate and clear the way for final passage of the legislation, which critics assailed as offering amnesty to illegal immigrants. The vote was 46 to 53 in favor of limiting the debate. Senators in both parties said the issue is so volatile that Congress is highly unlikely to revisit it this fall or next year, when the presidential election will increasingly dominate American politics." Victory! At least victory against amnesty. Now its time to really put on pressure to fully secure our borders. I'm talking about all borders, north and south as well as ports. We are at war, in case you didn't know. The enemy wants to kill us (Americans, conservative or liberal) anyway they can. We must know who comes in to the country. I hope the hoard of citizens that forced this amnesty bill to die will not let up on securing the borders. I know it's more the administration that has failed us than congress, but congress can certainly help push the president to do the right thing.

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