Friday, February 15, 2008

My Way News - NIU Gunman Stopped Taking Medication

My Way News - NIU Gunman Stopped Taking Medication: "DEKALB, Ill. (AP) - If there is such a thing as a profile of a mass murderer, Stephen Kazmierczak didn't fit it: outstanding student, engaging, polite and industrious, with what looked like a bright future in the criminal justice field." I'm sure many will react to this by saying we need to ban guns or at least make it nearly impossible for anyone to get them. But my reaction is that we need to start instituting people who are like this. That's probably going to always be difficult. But we are going to have to do something different here. I'm tired of reading about these shootings. (And I will say I can't see how banning guns will stop this. He could have just as easily, or even more easily, ran over a lot people with a car. I don't want to punish everyone by removing our liberties for the actions of such a few.)

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