Thursday, April 30, 2009

BBC NEWS | Business | Chrysler bankruptcy deal revealed

Ah, yes, it was such a good thing to give them billions of tax dollars to prevent bankruptcy. How much do you want to bet that those billions will never be paid back? So much for all that taxpayer investment paying off. I'm also expecting an announcement that Obama will own them... maybe even merge them into the new Government Motors company. Instead of a chicken in every pot, it will be a GM car in every garage. Too bad the garage will be owned by the government also. Look at the how the press reports it. You'd think it was the president of Chrysler talking. He already took ownership when he was inaugurated. This is truly fascist. I guess it's what we all want, according to the press. I'm really getting tired of Americans not caring about what is going on here. I believe it's already too late to fix this anytime soon. The next election in 2010 will be too late. If we could kick them all out right now, it would take 5-10 years minimum to reverse half of the damage. BBC NEWS | Business | Chrysler bankruptcy deal revealed: "US carmaker Chrysler will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection immediately and has formed an alliance with Fiat, President Obama has said."

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