Friday, October 22, 2010

Culver to Iowa labor: I want more for you | TheGazette

Culver to Iowa labor: I want more from you! That's what the headline should read if he was being honest
Culver to Iowa labor: I want more for you | TheGazette: "“Chet will be ahead on Election Day and that’s the way God intended it to be,” Harkin said."
Harkin is off the deep end.
- "A sign of his strength, Culver said, is a 9 percentage point lead over Branstad in the 2nd District where, he predicted, U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack would be re-elected. A short time later, 2nd District Republican challenger Mariannette Miller-Meeks released a poll showing a 45 percent to 44 percent lead over Loebsack."
This just cracks me up. Meeks is not the conservative I'd like, but at this point, we'll take the best we can get.

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