Monday, October 12, 2009

Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning - Yahoo! News

Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning - Yahoo! News I collect these stories. I wonder how many clipped these same type of articles back in the Great Depression. These guys are claiming that inflation will remain low even though trillions of dollars are being pumped into it. So many people will be out of work therefore companies will have to keep their prices low. Nobody will be able to afford their products. Let's think about this. Because prices have to stay low, margins will continue to be cut, wages will stay low or be cut or more layoffs, and somehow companies will be expanding, I guess because Obama will be sharing his stash with them. Does this make sense to anyone? I guess it's great news for Marxists. The economy is becoming more and more unstable and therefore highly unpredictable. Oh yeah, I forgot that Obama lost the Olympics for us. I'm holding on to that for what little joy I have.

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