Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Judge Suspended For Wearing Blackface To Party

NBC 4 - News - Judge Suspended For Wearing Blackface To Party So, my question is (and I'm being legit here) why was the judge racist? Because of the black face, or because of the black face and jail jumpsuit? If a non-black person wears black face makeup, is that racist in of itself? If a non-white person where's "white face" makeup, is that racist also? And why? My thoughts are that society will view wearing makeup to look like a person of a different color (race) is racist. That to me seems to be the liberal thought process and since the main stream media is liberal, and the media "defines" what society is thinking... Well, that's how I come to that conclusion. My self: no I don't think dressing up or wearing makeup should ever be considered a racist act (by itself). In my opinion, it's truly racist to jump to the conclusion that just because someone wears a costume and/or makeup that he/she is being racist.

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