Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Welcome to uExpress featuring Maggie Gallagher -- The Best Advice and Opinions The Universe!: "A QUESTION OF DISCLOSURE" It's very likely the Maggie Gallagher will suffer greatly with this. I also am pretty we'll see some some serious consequences for the adminstration people responsible for these contracts. But this is typical when you see questionably ethics from republicans. The response seems to be very harsh and swift. Republicans are always harder on fellow republicans. Contrast this with democrats. You rarely see punishment for ethics violations. On the contrary, many times democrats are rewarded by fellow democrats. Senator Byrd, for example, was a KKK member, has used the phrase "white n*" on a news program, and I'm sure many, many other racial slurs. He is regarded as one of the highest leaders in the democrat party.

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