Friday, January 21, 2005

Way Too Much God

OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan: "Was the president's speech a case of 'mission inebriation'? " What is going on? It seems some wacked-out liberal has hijacked Peggy Noonan's password and posted this opinion piece in her name. It literally saddened me to read it. She actually states "This world is not heaven." Duh. Does she really think President Bush is trying to make it so? If anyone knows that man does not have the power or authority to make the world into heaven, it's George W. Bush! The president NEVER stated that he intends to conquer tyranny in the NEXT FOUR YEARS. An inaugural speech should pronounce the ideologic core of the incoming president. Of course, we should strive to end tyranny. Geesh, people need to get a grip. Bush is the most well grounded person I've seen. Maybe all the constant nagging and complaining from liberals is really getting to Noonan (and others). You know, just because someone screams "The sky is falling!" (or "Global Warming!") 10 million times in a row, it simply does not change the truth. The sky is blue, Peggy. I used to be such an admirer of Peggy Noonan. This piece is giving me second thoughts.

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