Friday, September 26, 2008

BBC NEWS | Business | Bush says bail-out will be passed

BBC NEWS | Business | Bush says bail-out will be passed: "President George W Bush has said that legislators will rise to the occasion and pass the proposed $700bn �380bn Wall Street rescue plan." 700,000,000,000! That's so much I can't comprehend it. It's like 700,000 millionaires! One side of me says we should forget this and let these stupid companies collapse. They failed in the market because of stupidity. Why should they be rewarded for their own choices? Then the other side realizes if we don't do something, there is probably going to be a domino effect and things will get really bad. But $700 Billion?! There's something that stinks about this. Why is this coming up now and why is it being pushed through so fast? It reminds me of comprehensive immigration reform.

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