Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lowe's profit tops view

Only in this administration does "historic lows" equals great news. They keep telling us we are maybe approaching the bottom. I don't think so. I don't understand why the Dow is around 8,500, but if I could accurately predict the market (or anyone), then I wouldn't be spending time writing this. I think the Dow is inflated at 8,500. With all the fundamentals being haywire, it shouldn't be that high. Unemployment is still rising, housing is still plummeting, manufacturing is down, etc. We also are going to be dealing with a massive amount of money hitting certain markets soon. Money that has no backing. So I'm still expecting hyper-inflation next year. It's such a shame too. I think under a Conservative president, we'd really be coming out of this by now. Too bad we didn't have the option to elect one. Lowe's profit tops view: "Though there are positive signs, Lowe's will remain conservative with its plans since many economic indicators are still near 'historic lows, Niblock said."

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