Tuesday, July 28, 2009

U.S. Woos Damascus by Easing Export Ban - WSJ.com

This is truly sick. Syria (designated a terrorist state by our own government) is the enemy of the U.S., but apparently they are not an enemy of our current President (Barack Nifong Fonda Hussein Obama). I missed the part in the story that states they've stopped supporting Hamas and Hezbollah to justify the lifting of these sanctions. U.S. Woos Damascus by Easing Export Ban - WSJ.com: "While significant, U.S. officials said Monday that Washington's move doesn't mark a formal lifting or easing of its sanctions on Damascus. President George W. Bush authorized the sanctions in 2004, under legislation known as the Syria Accountability Act, specifically because of Damascus's support for the militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas, which are fighting Israeli forces from Lebanon and the Palestinian territories."

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