Wednesday, November 11, 2009

5 pct. of Americans plan to buy a home next year - Yahoo! News

This is how these guys love to think. A guy gets a pay cut, but man he was so lucky to get a reduction in his mortgage payments to "cushion the blow!" Some days I just want to rip out what little hair I have left. Obama's policies, which double-down on FDR's, will also drag this downturn out for way longer than it had to be. Obama can't seem to figure out that it doesn't help us to have government throw in a trillion dollars because it takes 4 trillion dollars out of our pockets to get there. Government gets it power from our wealth. The conservative way would be to let us keep our wealth rather than steal more of it. 5 pct. of Americans plan to buy a home next year - Yahoo! News: "One of the survey participants, Joe Handley of Harrington, Del., called his lender last December to consolidate a second mortgage and cut his interest rate from 6.75 percent to 5.25 percent. 'We wanted to build up our savings for emergencies,' the 37-year-old said. His timing was prescient. In July, Handley, who works in the information technology department for the State of Delaware, took a pay cut and the $400 monthly savings from the new loan has helped cushion the blow."

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