Friday, November 06, 2009

Big Government - Blog Archive - Obama’s Shock Troops: SEIU and Political Intimidation in St. Louis

Big Government - Blog Archive - Obama’s Shock Troops: SEIU and Political Intimidation in St. Louis: "Yesterday, Pastor Himes provided powerful, and courageous, witness to the union violence he and his wife saw in St. Louis on August 6th. They provided strong testament to the union attack on Kenneth Gladney. But, his comments only dealt with the events of that day. Evidence is emerging that the events of that day went far beyond St. Louis and may have been part of a nationally orchestrated campaign to intimidate and silence dissent." I knew stronger violence was going to happen at these town hall meetings. I was somewhat surprised to hear little more occurring. It looks like there is an active cover-up going on. If it's coming out of the white house, I certainly hope it's exposed. I think Breitbart ( can and will do it.

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