Monday, January 11, 2010 - Groundbreaking Gay Marriage Trial Starts in Calif. - Groundbreaking Gay Marriage Trial Starts in Calif.: "Regardless of the outcome, the case is likely to be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it ultimately could become a landmark that determines if gay Americans have the right to marry."
Here is an example of the real issue being twisted into something it's not. It's not "gay marriage," it's who gets to define terminology, in this case for the word marriage. The constitution clearly does not speak of marriage as a right. It's up to the individual states to determine how to handle this. Do you really want a handful of appointed people deciding what our words mean? I know I don't. The implications here are far greater than same-sex marriage.
No one here is restricting the ability of any particular group from being married. It's just some don't like the way marriage is defined.

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